Ch. 12 Lilian Dosett

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The heroine placed her hand on the crystal ball, the crystal ball then began to slowly change colors, green....then after a while it changed to pure white. The students were shocked...How can a barons daughter have light magic? tsk the students must have thought that seeing their faces.

But for me, im proud of the heroine, i mean my friend! Lili looked in my direction smiling widely, I smiled back then i froze for a second, did she send me a taunting look..? I look back at her and saw she was smiling innocently, must've been my imagination.

"Looks like Lady Lilian Dosett has earth and light magic.!" A teacher said looking proud at her.

"Then onto the next student, Constantine Chrysantia.!" My brother went up to the stage, and i smiled widely, i look like a proud mom seeing her son graduate. Go brother!

The Crystal ball turned yellow, then grey. As expected of my brother! He is awesome!

"Lightning and Fire magic,! truly remarkable!" The headmaster stated, laughing loudly.

"Great job brother!" I said giving him a thumbs up. He laughed and we continued to watch the other students magic.

"Percival Hugo Wright." Hugo stood up and went up the stage. 

"Wind magic!" The same teacher said, wow! wind is really rare and you must have a lot of manan in order for your magic to produce wind..!

"Next is Eleanor Zira Chrysantia." The teacher said. I think im the last one, maybe cause i arrived late. I reluctantly placed my hand on the crystal ball, the ball turned blue for a solid 10 seconds, i was about to pull my hand away thinking i only had water magic.

Suddenly it turned White, The students and teachers were shocked! They thought that Eleanor only had water magic. Well in the game Eleanor did have only water magic..? What 's happening? Feeling overwhelmed i wanted to take my hand back, but the white crystal ball suddenly turned pitch black.

I was left dumbfounded, the students and teacher's were too! Not only do i have water and light magic i also have dark magic.! But don't i have average mana? How come i have such OP magic...

"Woah! Not only is she stunning, she is also very powerful.!" One of the boy students whispered to his friend but you can still clearly hear it, feeling embarrassed i look down. I don't want this much attention.

"Magnificent! another Triple magic wielder!" The headmaster said clapping, currently feeling delighted.

I slowly walk back to my seat, all eyes on me. I want to hide away! Then the teachers announced that our new schedules will be handed out tomorrow according to what our magic is, and left the main hall.

After the teachers left, student's began to crowd me.

"Lady Eleanor, why don't we become frien--"The girl was interrupted by a boy.

"Lady Eleanor, do you already have a fiancee?" The boy said shouting loudly.

What a shameless question! I wanted to retort back, but i was stopped by a sturdy hand embracing my waist back hugging me. Who is this?

"Of course she has a fiancee, how about you guys back off before i burn all of you." Cole said coldly, A fireball on his hand. The crowd immediately dispersed, Thank God! that was suffocating.

"Hey! Separate yourself from my sister!" Constantine said pulling my hand and hiding me behind.

"Fine, she's gonna be mine soon anyways." Cole said glaring at my brother.

"What do you mean yours? Im no ones!" I retorted. Your gonna belong to Lili soon, so it's best to not catch feeling. Psh- why is my chest hurting...

"Anyway what are you doing here?" I asked Cole who is sitting on my seat.

"I came to visit my fiancee, i didn't expect my fiancee to be so powerful, im a lucky guy." Cole said, as if were our engagement is declared officially.

"I told you im still not your fiancee! The emperor hasn't clarified it to the public yet! keep it a secret will you?" I said trying to sound annoyed. He just ruffled my hair laughing slightly.

"Im still here, don't ignore me!" Constantine said, seeing Cole touch my hair.

"Why would i ignore my brother-in-law, i wouldn't." Cole stated shamelessly.

"U-um Z-zira...?" A cute and shy voice said, interrupting our conversation. huh?

"Lili? What are you doing here.?" I asked,

"I thought id say hi before i go back to my dorm.." She said sounding sad, looking at Cole and Constantine back and forth. Um your talking to me, why are you looking at them.

"Oh, let me introduce you, My brother, Constantine, and His highness, Alexander!" I said not using the nickname Cole, idk maybe deep down i am slightly attached to Cole..

"W-well im Lilian Dosett, pleasure to make your acquaintance,Constantine and Alexander." She said shyly bowing. What's with her? She immediately called them by their names, i dont know if it's just my imagination but she seems a bit off today?

"I dont think were close enough for you to call me with out my title Lady Dosett." Cole said with a cold voice, almost glaring at her. This is unexpected, i thought Cole would fall in love with her.

"Same goes for me Lady Dosett, Dont call me Constantine," He said not sparing her a glance.

Lili looked shock for a bit, then masked it with a shy smile.

"You both should've been mine.." Lili murmured, only i could hear it.. I stood pale, Did she also reincarnate..?

"What was that, Lady Dosett?" Cole said indifferently.

"U-um i understand, your highness..Ill go back to my room now." Lili said shyly, twirling her hair in her fingers. Was what she said earlier only in my head? let's not think to deep about it.

"Bye Zira.." She said looking sad, but i can tell she is hiding her hatred for me?...I mean i was an actor in my past life so i can tell this much, this wasn't her expression last time though... perhaps because im close with them? I thought looking at Constantine and Cole. I shake my thoughts off and replied shortly.

"See you tomorrow Lili!" I said acting cheerful. Once she was out from out sight Cole immediately stated cooly,

"I don't like her, don't be friend's with her, Zira."

"I agree, she has a b*tch vibe." Constantine said agreeing, not filtering his mouth, How could my sweet brother say such a word! I swear ill beat the crap out of the guy who thought him that!

"You think so? She was pretty kind yesterday.." I said not hiding my sad expression, i really did wish i could be friends with the heroine...or maybe i can? maybe what she said earlier was just my imagination.

"Well if you want to be friend's with her that badly, ill protect you if she ever hurts you!" Constantine said,

"Same goes for me.." Cole said ruffling my hair again. I just fixed that!

"Thank you? but i can protect myself!" I said huffing.

"Sure, whatever you say." Cole said handing me a box full of macarons, when did he get this?

"For me? Thank you!" I said grabbing the macaron box and stuffing my face, They both laughed watching me eat.

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