Ch. 9 Mystique Academy

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I woke up by my little dragon nudging my face. I patted him, he is so cuteeee~ Now that i think about it i have to give this little guy a name...

"What should i name you..?" I asked him, while he licked my hand.

"How about...Tyson?" The dragon understanding Eleanor shook his head.

"Then...Drake?" The little dragon shake his head again.

"Oh! Raza!" I said, hopefully he'll like it..seeing as the dragon just kept licking my hand, i think he likes it.

"Then Raza it is.! hehehehe." I said walking to my walk-in that i think about it, how did he get out...Hmm idk, i dont care anymore. I wore a light nude pink dress and just brushed my hair to make it less messy.. i did this by myself since i don't really like my maids attending to me, i want peace and quiet.

"Good morning mom!" I hugged my mother,

"Good morning Zira, Come sit quickly!  today's breakfast is pancakes, i made it myself!" My mother said excitedly leading me to a chair.

I saw the pancake all messy, um maybe it taste nice..?

I reluctantly sliced a piece of pancake and ate it..I taste awful, its taste like a worn out sock!!!!!! but i cant say that to my mother... I ate the whole pancake in 1 minute, i think im gonna puke....

"Y-yum!" I said forcing a smile.

"Im glad you like it dear! I still have some more, would you like some?" My mother said.

"U-uh no thank quite full..." I said looking at the side guiltily.

"Oh is that so..."

"W-where's dad and Constantine..?" I said deliberately changing the subject.

"They went out after eating my pancakes, i dont know where though." My mother stated.

"Then i'll go find them, today's my last day here, i wanna spend it with us 4 together." I said smiling happily.

"Okay dear, if you need me ill just be in the living room reading some books." Hopefully how to cook better books.

I go out in my garden and spotted Constantine and my dad, digging something..? I sneak up behind them and said in a loud voice.

"Wachu doing?" They both jumped up startled. I laughed at them.

"Um Zira nothing to see here...." Dad said guiltily.

"S-sister, you should go pack your things now..." Constantine said rubbing his neck.

Hmm they're acting suspicious....I look at the hole they were digging and found my mom's pancakes....I mentally facepalm myself.

"H-how could you..!"

"U-uh Zira we can e-explain..." My dad said waving his hands panicking.

"You should have also told me so i can also put my pancake here! i ate a whole pancake..!" I said with a laugh.

"Oops my bad.." Then all three of us laughed, then someone interrupted us by smacking the back of my father's head. Cold sweat dripped on our foreheads..

"Umm hi mooom!" I said nervously.

"Hi dear...." Dad said while rubbing the back of his head where mom slapped him.

"Why are my pancakes here?! Im offended!" My mother said playfully crossing her arms, turning away from us.

"Well my pancakes are bad, i tasted them a while ago."

"Were sorry..." All three of us said in unison.

"HHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA" My mom laughed maniacally. I tilt my head in confusion...wait could it be that my mom pranked us?

"I knew my pancakes were bad, i just thought why not do a little joke.." My mom sid still laughing. We looked at each other and a few minutes later we laughed together. We then spent the whole day together, and just in the blink of an eye, the day of my departure came.

"Ziraaaaa..! Dont forget to visit us everytime your free." My mom said almost crying.

"And Constantine protect your sister from insects..!" My dad said talking to Constantine..Wait--

"What do you mean dad?" I asked confused.

"Hm? did i forget to tell you that im also coming with you sis?" Constantine said nonchalantly. WhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT!

"Yes, your brother is also coming since his birhtday is just a few months ahead, so why not just let him come with you.." My dad said smiling.

"Oh that's great then...?"

"My lady it's time to go." Anna said whispering to me.

"Looks like you have to go..." My mom said wiping her non existent tears.

"Bye mom, dad." I said hugging them both, i will really miss them, after all they're my family.

"Bye sweetie, take care okay? and don't hesitate to call us when someone is bullying you..!" My dad said patting my hair.

"No one will be able to bully her dad with me by her side." Constantine said ruffling my hair.

"Hm i guess that's true." My mom said laughing.

"Ill go now, bye!!" I said kissing their cheeks before i went in the carriage, Constantine said his farewell and followed me. I stared at their figures slowly disappearing, i really don't want to part with them.

"Sis? It's fine to cry you know, after all you wont be seeing them for 4 years." Constantine stated, now that he mentioned not seeing them for 4 years, tears began to swell up on my eyes.

 I hugged him ,crying hideously on his shoulders. My brother just laughed at me.. hmp is it fun to see your sister crying.

"It really feels like your younger than me sis." My brother said laughing patting my back. I pull back from our little hug, wiping my tears away.

"Your lucky im not in the mood to punch you today." I said sniffing.

"Ill sleep for a little while wake me up when we get there." I said a little drowsy leaning on the side of the carriage.




"Sis.." Constantine said slowly shaking me.

"Mmm let me sleep for a little while." I said not bothering to open my eyes.

"Sis you need to get up, you need to unpack on your dorm. Classes start tomorrow." Constantine said shaking me.

"Ughhhh fiiiiiiine.!" I said sitting straight. I fixed my hair and dress, then went out.

"Woaah!" I said awestruck at the white academy. It was like a castle! It looks the same in the game.

"Constantine! wheres my dorm? Fasttttt i wanna check it out.!" I said pulling Constantine's arms.

The maids and butler followed carrying our belongings. We arrived at my dorm, It was beautiful! It was not as big as my room, I admired the interior openly, it looks like your average dorms on modern days. It brings me nostalgia.

"Okay ill unpack now brother, goodbye!" I said pushing him out of my dorm. 

"Ill see you in the classroom tomorrow, bye sis." Constantine said ruffling my hair. I waved to him and closed the door shut. I looked around the room and noticed that my stuff are already placed on the floor, now to the boring part..unpacking.!




Phew finally! im done unpacking. What time is it now? 11: 31?!?! I have classes tomorrow! i need to sleep.  I look at my bed seeing Raza now asleep, Welp goodnight world!

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