Ch. 18 Tournament #2

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"HELP!!" My body plunged out of bed and i opened my eyes to see i was in my room. Sweats dripping off my forehead. Was that all a dream? I press my hand on my beating chest, What a nightmare.

"An AI? as if.." I scoffed at that thought. Me an AI? i firmly and evidently believe that im a human being that controls my life not controlled by some weird ass game developer or something.

"Haaa...." I really hope that was just a bad nightmare, come to think of it i don't remember going to bed. As i thought that the clanking of some utensils, huh that's weird.

It's not my room burning again right? with that thought i immediately run over to the kitchen and my eyes filled with warmth when i saw Cole making porridge.


"Zira, when did you wake up? sit quickly. I made you porridge." Cole said while pouring porridge onto a soup and placing it in front of where i sat.

"Thank you but...what happened?" I asked feeling grateful but confused at the same time.

"I don't know what happened to you but when i was back from training i was gonna go stop by at your room but i saw you passed out on the doorway and Raza panicking." Cole said worriedly.

"Huh? Is that so..I don't remember anything too.." I said taking a sip of the porridge and was immediately surprised on how good it was. I thought it would be salty or something cause he is a prince, how'd he know how to make this?

"The porridge tastes good!" I said joyfully finishing the porridge right away.

"How'd you make it?" I asked Cole now sitting in front of me.

"My mother always made me this whenever i had a fever, and i would always watch her eventually i memorized how to do it. This is the only thing i could make though." Cole said rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's so cool how you made this by just watching your mom do it." I said with a wide smile. Cole just shrugged and stared at me.

"Erm, How long was i asleep for? Is the tournament still on?"

"You were asleep for the whole night you had a fever last night but looks like its gone now, and yes the tournament is still on." Cole said still staring at me.

"Are you going to enter?" I asked my face flushing a little bit. Could he stop staring? It's not like im going to run away.

"Maybe, or i could just watch you." He said reaching out to grab locks of my hair twirling it around his fingers.

"I think ill do the later." He said smirking.

"You can skip the tournament?" I asked to which he responded by laughing.

"I am a prince what can they do about it?" He said tucking the locks of hair behind my ear.

"Y-your abusing your authority." I said a bit flustered cause our faces our an inch apart.

"If you marry me  you can also skip all these." He whispered huskily.

"S-stop fooling around.!" I turn my head opposite his.

"Im being serious." He said laughing.

"Anyway thank you for the porridge you can head out now, i need to get ready." I said standing up and opening the door signalling him to get out. He laughed pleasantly winking at me before heading out.

He is impossible...I said while facepalming but, thanks to him i got my mind off that weird ass dream. Ugh let's not think about it. Wait where is Raza? That's weird he was here sleeping when i woke up. Maybe he is off to get food? yeah that must be it.




After 20 minutes im finally ready, still no sign of Raza...I hope he will be here when i get back from that stupid tournament. My thoughts were interrupted by loud knocking.

"Wait!!" I screamed getting annoyed by the sound of endless knocking. I opened the door to see the 'group' here (Constantine, Cole, Alastair, Hugo, Charles).

"Hey sis!" Constantine said cheerfully, seeing how cute my brother is the annoyance i felt a second ago disappeared. Yes im the older sister of this shiny cute man. I thought to myself feeling smug.

"We should go now, else we'll be late." Hugo said in a warm but serious tone.

"Yeah let's go." I said happily skipping outside my room before locking my door.

"Anyway Cole have you seen Raza anywhere?" I whispered to Cole who was staring at me.

"Raza? No..Did something happen when i went out?" Cole said worriedly.

"U-uh it's nothing." I said fidgeting, i guess i am just overreacting that Raza MIGHT have left me OR that he is in danger....

"What are you guys whispering about?" Alastair said pushing us apart and walking between us.

"About you being annoying." Cole stated. I nervously laughed at them, im still feeling anxious about Raza, although nothing could hurt him since he is a dragon.

"Were here." Charles said stopping Alastair's whining. I followed behind them as we walked in, this place is huge. It is an open field with floating chairs surrounding it, making a very large circle in the middle. We sat down to our chairs, i noticed that the chairs are already filled, guess the student's are excited about this tournament.

I sat between Cole and Hugo, soon after the tournament started and names were called to battle. I sat there bored since their spells were kind of boring...not to sound rude or anything.

"Eleanor..i had a very weird dream." My thoughts were interrupted by Hugo whispering to me so suddenly. Weird dream? as if understanding me he continued.

"In my dream... we were all robots that were programmed to do stuff. I vividly remember something about ome game? Something like that." Hugo said bluntly.

My body froze at what he said... I suddenly felt anxious as if someone is watching me.. Just breath....What he said is not true...I may have reincarnated here but this is not a game, these people here are real...yeah real. I thought.

"Eleanor are you okay?" Hugo said noticing i had trouble breathing. The other's hearing Hugo's loud voice all divert their attention to me.

"Zira?" Cole said worriedly rubbing my back. I nod in response.

" f-fine." I said in between my huffs. All of them looking at me worriedly.

'Your an AI'.

A voice rang through my head the same voice from last night. Stop messing with my head, ugh-

Suddenly my name was called saying it was my turn. L-lets get this over with, just don't think. I thought while breathing in and out.

"Don't overwork yourself sis.." Constantine said as i passed him.

"Y-yeah..I wont." I said reassuring him. My head still dizzy as if it's going to break at any moment. I head on to the field and since i wasn't listening to who my rival was, i was surprised when i saw Lilian...Just great.

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