Ch. 44

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Eleanor slowly opened her eyes revealing Cole who was shirtless embracing her as he burrowed his face in her hair, "Sorry, did i wake you?" Cole said noticing her opening her eyes.

Eleanor rubbed her eyes, shaking her head as she smiled, "Good morning!"

Cole leaned in to kiss her but was stopped by Eleanor covering her mouth, "What's wrong?" Cole said furrowing his eyebrows.

Eleanor moved away from him, "Shower." She said getting up but eventually failed feeling the pain in her area.

"Ow--!" She sat on the floor while Cole furrowed his eyebrows even more, "Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

Eleanor glared at him, "Of course it does! That was my first time...and you didn't go easy on me!" Eleanor puffed and turned her head away from him.

"I'm sorry." Eleanor still didn't say anything and tried to get up.

Cole sighed, got up from the bed and princess-carried her to the bathroom. "P, put me down!" Eleanor squirmed in his arms but he seemed to be unaffected by it as he didn't struggle to hold her.

Eleanor had no choice but to put her arms around his neck for support while he placed her down in the bathtub, "Get out." Eleanor pointed to the door making Cole laugh.

"I'll bathe you, You don't have to be shy i saw everyth---"

"OUT!" Eleanor said her face fully red, Cole held in his laughter and walked out.

"Pft--- How is she so cute." Cole laughed huskily putting on a shirt to take a bath elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Eleanor was flustered.

"GOSH!, We're still not married yet and we..." Eleanor flushed again.

"But...It's normal if we consider it in modern time...but---" She slapped her face.

"It's fine...We're getting married anyways.." She convinced herself and continued bathing and continuously flushing red every now and then.


"Aren't you busy?" Eleanor said now dresses but her hair is still wet. Cole grabbed a towel and dried her hair as Eleanor sat on the bed in between his legs, he was also down showering.

"I am."

"Then why are you still here?"

"Because i miss you."

Eleanor turned her head around with a 'are you freaking serious' face.

Eleanor turned her head back and Cole continued to dry her hair. They were silent for a while, it wasn't awkward but comforting.

"Come to think of it.."Eleanor spoke out, "I'm still not married yet i did 'that'" Eleanor realized what she said and covered her mouth.

Cole froze for a second then putting the towel down and back-hugged her. "Should we get married tomorrow then?" He said inhaling her scent.

Eleanor's eyes grew wide, "Absolutely NOT!" Cole froze again.

"Why..? Do you not like me anymore, well you don't have a choi--"

"Cole what are you saying!" She covered his mouth and frowned.

"Of course i love you, but we need more time to plan the wedd--"

"It's already planned."

"..? Since when?" Eleanor tilted her head.

"Since we were young."

Eleanor put on a baffled expression, 'Don't tell me he planned it when we got engaged?!'

"..." Eleanor was speechless.

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