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It was a few minutes before midnight when Rythian heard a knock on his cabin door. He sighed and set down his book, it was probably Zoey stopping in to tell him about his amazing space adventures with Fiona, or maybe Teep talking about his new job at Yoglabs, whatever the case he had to leave his warm spot in front of the fire to answer it.

The knocking came again, this time more frantic. Rythian thought for a moment, why would Zoey or Teep come to his house so late? The knocking started again. "Okay I'm coming!" He yelled to the person at the door.

As Rythian opened the door, something rushed in under his arm and stood behind him. "What are you waiting for!? Close the door!" Rythian heard someone say.

He turned around to find a shaking Lalna. "What the hell are you doing here Lalna? It's almost midnight," Rythian said, glaring at the scientist.

"You see, Rythian, I was out exploring when it got dark and then I found this lovely cabin and then there were zombies and creepers and other horrible things and then you answered the door and now I'm here explaining what happened," Lalna said.

"Right. Why didn't you have a sword? Or armor? Or something..."

"Because! I don't know! I was visiting Sjin and then I wasn't!" Lalna said, whining.

"Okay, stop whining, go sit by the fire and get warm. You can stay the night...I guess. Whatever," Rythian said, picking up his book and sitting back on the couch. Lalna sat next to him.

Then came a horribly loud crash of thunder. Lalna jumped towards Rythian, almost sitting in his lap. Then came the rain and zombies coming closer and closer to the house. Lalna made himself as small as possible, pulling his feet onto the couch and putting his head in Rythian's lap. "What are you doing, Lalna?" Rythian sighed.

"Well uh..." Lalna blushed.

"You can't tell me you're afraid of a little storm," Rythian said, smiling under his mask.

"N-no," Lalna stuttered.

"You are! Oh Lalna, no wonder you were so scared, those creatures of the night probably scared you to death!" Rythian said, laughing.

"Shut up Rythian! It's just...ugh, I don't have to explain myself to you!"

A zombie started pounding on the door. Lalna actually jumped into Rythian's lap this time. "Get off, Lalna," Rythian said, trying to shove Lalna off.

Lalna put his arms around Rythian's neck and his his face in Rythian's scarf. "I'm scared," Lalna said, pathetically.

"Alright Lalna, let's go back to my bedroom where no monsters can get you. We'll sleep the night away, don't worry," Rythian said.

"Okay," Lalna said, getting off of Rythian.

As they got to Rythian's bedroom, Rythian realized he didn't have any clothes that would fit Lalna for sleeping. He voiced this thought.

"That's okay Ryth," Lalna said, already taking off his lab coat and t-shirt. "I'll just sleep in my boxers," he said, making Rythian blush.

"Okay." Rythian did the same, except he put on pajama pants. He took of his scarf with his top.

There was another large, loud clap of thunder. Lalna jumped into the bed, quickly getting under the covers. "Rythian!" He whined.

"I'm coming Lalna," Rythian said, slipping into bed.

Lalna's arms immediately went around Rythian. "Hey Rythian?" Lalna said into Rythian's back.


"Thanks, for this. I was...wondering if we could maybe, I don't know, go out sometime? And like, be boyfriends?" Lalna said, his face heating up.

"Yes Lalna, of corse," Rythian said, smiling. The boys soon fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms, where Lalna felt safe.

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