Motel: Rythna

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A motel, one along the highway no less. This was the least romantic thing Lalna had ever done for Rythian, and they had been dating for seven months now. That's what this was about anyways, the pair's seven month anniversary.

"Ryth, will you quit moping around? I really do have the night planned, just hold your horses," Lalna said, tapping Rythian on the nose.

Rythian batted Lalna's hand away. "What? What could we possibly do in a motel that doesn't know," Rythian turned red.

"Well, first things first..." Lalna whipped out the silly Bluetooth speaker he brought everywhere and started up some playlist he had made. That was one of Lalna's favorite things to do, make playlists. Rythian's favorite song started up.

"Okay, now what?" said Rythian, still skeptical about the whole thing.

"Alright, now you close your eyes," Lalna said with a smile.

"O...kay" Rythian said, slightly frightened at what could be coming next.

Rythian heard shuffling and a dragging sound. That was worrying.

"Open your eyes now," Lalna said, bringing Rythian's hands down from his face.

In front of Rythian was a table with spaghetti and garlic bread on a plate and a flickering candle as the centerpiece. "This is amazing Lalna, but couldn't we have just done this at home?"

"God NO! At my house Nano would be talking and aweing all night, I love my sister but she can be a pain. And I know how much you hate your roommate, most of the time," Lalna said, picking up a bottle of wine.

"That was...actually really thoughtful of you Lal."

"What? You thought I would ruin our seven month anniversary? No. And hey, we're in a motel so maybe later-"

"Lalna! Wait to ruin the moment!" Rythian said, laughing.

"I love you Rythian," Lalna said.

Sorry for not updating in awhile, I had Midterms and now I'm in the middle of a hectic winter break full of travels. Woo. Anyways, merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, and happy Kwanza, and I hope you had a great time even if you don't celebrate any of those holidays!
Much love, Sophie <3

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