Graduation (part 4 of Kinder!Cast)

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"Rythian! Stop moping, we only have, like, a week left until graduation!" Zoey said, giggling at her brother. "Can you believe it!? Graduation! We're big kids now! High school's almost over!"

Rythian smiled from behind his scarf, "I can't believe it's almost over."

"I know! I just... AH! High school's almost OVER! Can you just...we're going to be in college soon! COLLEGE!" Zoey hopped right into Nano in her excitement.

"Oh! Hey Zoey, what are you hopping around for?" Nano said, holding Zoey's shoulders so she wouldn't topple over.

"Nano! We only have a week left of school! We're almost in college!"

"I know! Can you believe it!? I haven't been away from you guys in forever! I'm going to miss everyone so much!" Nano said, putting her arms around Zoey and Rythian, standing on her tip-toes so she could reach.

"Hey guys! Honeydew and Xephos are holding a thing tonight at Xeph's house, be there!" Nilsey said, practically skipping by the trio.

"Thing?" Nano asked, confused.

"I don't know, but we should be there!" Zoey said, a huge smile on her face.


"Welcome to the living room! I'm your host, Honeydew, and this is my partner in crime, my best friend till the end, my brother from another mother, all those other things, Xephos!"

The small room erupted into applause as Xephos walked out from the kitchen. "Hey guys! So, welcome to my house. Since we're all about to graduate, I decided it would be cool to show a slideshow of us as we grew up together. I've asked your parents for photos and gathered old yearbooks, all of that good stuff. Anyways, enjoy," Xephos said as Honeydew flicked the lights.

The first picture was the groups kindergarten class all lined up in little rows by height. The next was Nano covered in purple paint getting sprayed down with a hose. "Trott!" Nano yelled from her spot on the couch.

"Sorry!" He said from the floor, "I had a huge crush on you!" Everyone laughed.

The next picture was all the kids lined up in their Halloween costumes and holding up sloppy pumpkin cookies. Than came the kindergarten graduation pictures of all the kids in little caps and gowns. Next was first grade, then second and third until middle school.

"Oh my god! Can we skip these? This was my emo phase!" Lalna said, hiding his face behind Rythian.

The first picture was Xephos and Honeydew wearing matching Star Treck shirts, then a picture of Nano, Rythian, and Lalna sitting around some tree with their dyed black hair and various spike accessories. Everyone laughed at the three's red faces. The next picture was Zoey, Saberial, Trott, and Sjin sitting around trading Pokémon cards.

"I still have my shiny Charazard!" Zoey said, flailing her arms.

"Yeah, and I still have the Pikachu you traded me for it," Trott said, his head hung in shame.

The next picture was all of the kids dressed up nicely standing around hugging as the parents took pictures, their eighth grade graduation. Next, was high school.

"Ohmygosh!!! Look at you guys!!" Zoey said, everyone laughing at the group's first senior prank, when all the boys came to school dressed in dresses and heels.

Then came all the prom photos. Zoey and Saberial with huge smiles on their faces, Xephos and Lomadia blushing and holding hands, Honeydew and Nano pulling funny faces, Lalna kissing Rythian, and the Hat brothers and Sips and Sjin and flipping the camera man off. Everyone was giggling and blushing by the end of the prom photos. Then were more pranks and couple photos until the last picture, which was everyone standing with their arms around each other, laughing at some joke someone had made.

Sniffles were heard from the group, people were wiping tears and kissing and hugging. "That was fun!" Honeydew said, getting up from his spot on the floor and whipping away a tear. "Only a few more memories to make before we go our separate ways, let's make this one of them!" Honeydew pulled out a camera from a drawer under the coffee table and took a picture of everyone.

"I love you guys!" Alsmiffy said from the floor. Everyone else shouted their declarations of love to each other.


It was moving day for the first few of the group, Lalna, Rythian, Xephos, and Trott were leaving for their different colleges, Rythian and Lalna going together. Everything was packed in the different moving vans, the different parents ready to drive.

"Bye Ryth!" Zoey said, crying. "I wish I could come with you!! This is going to be the first time since...EVER that we're going to be apart. We were literally in the same womb Ryth!! Don't leave!" Zoey was clinging to Rythian and sobbing.

"I love you Zoey, don't worry, we'll see each other really soon," Rythian promised. Zoey just sniffles and clung harder.

"Bye friend," Xephos said to Honeydew, who was also sobbing.

"Bye Xeph, I love you!" Honeydew said, unattaching himself from Xephos.

"Love you too, Dew."

"Bye Trott, have fun in college!" Ross said, slapping his brother on the back.

"Goodbye dear brother, see you in hell!" Alsmiffy said, laughing.

"Bye Smiff! Bye Ross! See you soon!" Trott said, hugging his brothers.

A car horn honked, everyone ran in manic circles trying to say goodbye to everyone they needed to say goodbye to. "BYE EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING OUR HOLIDAY SEASON AT LALNA'S! BE THERE!" Xephos yelled, getting into his car.

"Love you guys! See you all in hell!" Trott said, slamming his car door.

"Love you Zoey," Rythian said, kissing his sister's head. "Love you guys!" He said, getting in the car.

"Love you, bye!" Lalna said, getting into the driver's seat.

With teary eyes, the group of friends watched their friends drive away. They waved until they were gone. "I love you guys," Lomadia said, getting hugged by the remaining friends. "This is hard."

Done! ^_^ Comment what you wanna read, or just leave feedback, vote! You guys are great! Thank you for reading!

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