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Heejin's POV

"What are you thinking about Heejinie?" I jumped when I heard a voice behind me

"Vivi-unnie..." I relaxed a bit and look at the view in front of me. It's already midnight and the city lights look so beautiful. We're here at the veranda and I'm sitting on the single couch and unnie took a seat on the other couch

"So penny for your thoughts?" she gave me a sweet smile

"You seemed to be in a deep thought" I stare at my hand and at the ring I'm wearing. I feel a pain in my chest but I just smile through it

"I'm just thinking about her..." I'm always thinking about her

"I just wonder how is she now... and if she's finally happy" I let out a sigh

"Why don't you check the internet? You know you can find her there. Her social media accounts, you can also search her name on Google and she's all over the news" yeah I can do all of that but I refuse to do it

"I will just hurt myself unnie"

"But aren't you hurting yourself right now? By thinking about her?" she's right

"I'm so stupid right?" I burried my face to my palm

"You're not, Heejin"

"But do you think she's still the Hyunjin we know?" I momentarily stopped

"I.... don't know" I just thought of it

"You should stop thinking about her for now and go to sleep it's almost 2" she pats my head

"I'm going back to bed now" I smiled at her and nod. I stay there for a while and got up from the couch. I slide the door and was about to step my foot inside when I heard a car noise. I look down and saw a car parked in front of our neighbor.

Ohh they're finally moving in huh. This house next to us was sold last month and I guess the new owners are moving in now. I walked inside and close the door before going to my room.

"Night night Heejin" I said to myself even though is already 2AM and close my eyes

Hyunjin's POV

I lay on my bed with my eyes open. It's already 4 in the morning and our neighbors are screaming, these bitches are noisy. I don't know if they're banging or something but they seriously needs to shut up. I still need to go to the company later.

"Arghh screw this" I got up and go to Minho's room. I open the door and slumped down to his couch. Luckily it's quiet here, thank God.

I close my eyes and drift to dreamland.


"Ya Hyunjin-ah wake up. We still need to go somewhere" I felt a light kick on my leg

"Five more minutes oppa" he kicked me again lightly

"Okay fine! I'll get up!" I sat up and glare at him. Oh I'm in his bed now

"Why did you move here?"

"Our neighbors seems to forget that they're not the only one living in this neighborhood and keep screaming at 4AM" my head turn to the door, is that a siren?

"Which neighbor?"

"Right side"

"I heard outside that a bunch of criminals barge in their house early this morning. Maybe that's why they're screaming"

"What??? I thought they're just watching some horror shit"

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