chapter six

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Two days later the first meeting of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts, or DADA, club was set to take place after dinner. It was currently lunch and Clara was anxious to get to the Room of Requirement and learn something new. 

The house tables were decked with food and the hall was filled with the sound of students chattering. Since it was deemed inappropriate to sit at another houses' table, Clara sat alone and picked away at her sandwich. She wasn't sure how to feel about the club meeting, on one hand she was excited to learn and practice new skills, but she also was scared of making a fool of herself. She also couldn't stand the thought of Harry Potter, Mr. Look At Me, I'm the Chosen One, being better than her at something.

These thoughts quickly faded away as a flood of owls came through the hall. Packages and letters were dropped to students all across the hall, and to Clara's surprise, one landed right in front of her.

It was a small letter, and on the front her name had been printed in black ink. She quickly opened the envelope and devoured the words written to her.

My Dearest Clara,

I hope you're having a wonderful time at Hogwarts and have remained the top student in your classes.

I'm going to keep this short and simple, you can't come home for the holidays. I have to host some unexpected guests, and your presence would threaten their visit. 

I'm very sorry, and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas at Hogwarts. Of course, if you're invited to the Lovegood's place or any other house for the holidays you are more than welcome to join them.

Stay safe,

Your Father

Clara's heart sank to the floor. She had never spent a Christmas without her father, and she didn't know anyone else who was staying at Hogwarts. Clara sighed and packed up her books. The walk to her classroom seemed longer and lonelier than usual. This surprising news had definitely made her day ten times worse.

She walked into Potions and her face fell even further. Harry Potter sat at their usual table and appeared to be reading a very long letter. Clara sat in her seat and let her book bag fall to the ground. She pushed her head over Harry's shoulder and began to read the letter.

"What's this about?"

Harry quickly covered the parchment and jutted her rib cage with his elbow.

"Jeez, haven't you ever heard of privacy?" he said, putting the letter into his bag.

"I am so sorry. Did I interrupt your reading of another fan girl's confession of her undying love for you?" Clara snickered and pulled out her Potions book.

"No, just Christmas plans. Christmas plans that you don't need to know about."

"Oh, right."

"What, you don't like Christmas or something?"

"No, I do, it's just- my dad canceled our Christmas plans, so I'm stuck at Hogwarts this year."

"Oh. Well, my dad's still dead, if that makes you feel any better-" Clara put her head between her arms and let out a long noise of exasperation, "Ok, obviously it doesn't."

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