chapter fourteen

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The halls were lit by small torches and as Clara quickened her pace to remain behind Harry. She could hear him calling Dumbledore's name again and again. She tried her best to remain quiet, although her shoes were making it quite difficult. She knew that Harry would never tell her what he was doing willingly, so spying seemed to be the only solution for Clara's curious mind. 

Clara came to a full stop at a corner outside of Dumbledore's office. She looked to see a very frustrated Harry standing in front of the large statue that concealed the Headmaster's space. His head was bent down and he was pacing back and forth in front of the statue. Clara turned her back to him and bent her head to try and listen to any words he might say. After moments of silence Clara heard footsteps and turned her body back around.

"Are you spying on me?"

A small yelp escaped Clara's lips as Harry's figure appeared right in front of her.

"Godric, don't do that!"

"You are!"

"Why would I ever spy on you."

"Don't know, how about you tell me?"

Clara scoffed and began to walk away from Harry. She checked her watch and noted the time, almost half past seven. Curfew was in about thirty minutes, and she should probably head back to the common room. It seemed that her plan had ultimately failed. 

"Hey! I'm not done talking to you!" Harry said, jogging slightly to catch up with her.

"Well I'm done talking to you."

"Seriously, Dupont? Tell me why you're following me."

Clara paused and turned around to face Harry. His eyes were stone cold and his fists were red from being clenched. The silence of the halls caused echoes from his voice and Clara looked around for an escape. There was a classroom to her right, she ran for it but before she could close the door Harry had burst in right after her.

"Godric, must you be so annoying?"

"Tell me why you're following me." Harry said slowly.

"I know you're up to something. I don't know what it is or why you're doing it, but you're planning something."


"You and your buddies are always whispering and glancing around as if you've got some big secret. Tell me what you're hiding, Potter."

"I'm not hiding anything."

"Yes you are, and until you tell me what it is, I'll be watching you."

"Clara wait-" Harry grabbed her arm and her hair spun as she switched directions.

"Ready to fess up already?"


"Then don't touch me." Clara shook herself free and exited the dark classroom. One thing was clear to her, whatever secret Harry had, she would uncover it.

The next morning Clara awoke with determination. Not only was she going to be a total badass, as usual, she was going to do some more snooping. The air in Hogwarts was cold this morning, and when Clara looked out her window she saw heavy rain. She sighed at the unpleasant weather and went on with her day.

After breakfast Clara followed closely behind Ron, Harry, Lavender, and Pavarti on the way to Divinations class. Instead of going to their usual class in the North Tower, Clara followed the group towards a new classroom. She walked in and was amazed at the sight before her.

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