chapter one

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Clara's footsteps clicked against the polished floor of Malfoy Manor. She slowly strode into the main dining room and took her seat at the far end of the table. Her head hung low, she was far too uncomfortable to look at anyone here. Only when her name was mentioned did she raise her head and look at the speaker. Lord Voldemort was even more vulgar than described. His voice felt like needles, and his snake, Nagini, disturbed Clara to her core. The dark green snake would roam the table while its master spoke, and it had no issue getting up close and personal. Once it had even wrapped itself around Clara's leg and she had nightmares about the experience for a week.

"Let us please all welcome our newest members, Draco Malfoy and Clara Dupont." said Voldemort with a smile that sent shivers down Clara's spine. Applause followed his statement and Clara wished more than anything to be out of this room. "Now that they are officially members and have gone through the initiation process, it is time."

Clara's father smiled, and many of the others followed. Clara looked to Draco, who looked just as confused as she did. Over the summer Clara and Draco had gotten a bit closer, although it wasn't like they really had a choice. They were the only kids here, and were often not included in some of the discussions. This didn't bother Clara, she'd rather not talk about who's getting killed next or where they would start a mass duel. 

Draco and Clara had both been inducted into this lovely little club by their parents. Clara didn't want to be here, and she guessed Draco didn't either, but she couldn't be sure. 

"Time for what, Master?" Narcissa Malfoy asked, not daring to look the leader in the eyes.

"It is time... for these two to pledge their loyalty, and receive the Dark Mark."

Lucious and Louis smiled at each other. Two Death Eaters rose, and went to Clara and Draco's side. They pulled their wands out slowly, waiting for Voldemort's signal. Clara's heart throbbed inside her chest, how was she going to get out of this one? Voldemort raised his hands above his chest, the two Death Eaters rose Draco and Clara's sleeves. Voldemort's mouth opened, ready to speak, but Clara was far ahead of him.


The room looked at her. Some were shocked, others appalled. She stepped away from the Death Eater holding her wrist and shook herself from his grasp. Her father glared at her, and Clara let out a deep breath. 

"Yes?" Voldemort asked calmly, "Why are we waiting on such an important moment?"

"Well I-" Clara began, she had not thought this far in advance. Think, Clara, think. "Er- well Draco and I were talking and we thought it might be nice if we could wait for this until tomorrow because we had a ceremony planned... for afterwards, like a party."

Voldemort tilted his head and Clara held her breath. 

"Draco, is this true?" There was a pause, Clara looked at Draco. He looked incredibly uncomfortable.

"Yes, Master, it's true."

Another pause captured the room.

"Very well then, you two may leave this meeting. Further discussion is only open to inducted members."

Clara bowed and quickly exited the room. Draco followed closely behind her, and she led him into the guest room. Clara and her father had been staying at Malfoy Manor for the past week, and Clara had hated every second of it. Although she had been coming to meetings with her father all summer, staying in the dark walls every day was more miserable than anything Clara had ever endured. 

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