chapter eight

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The next day Clara awoke and grimaced at the sound of her alarm. She hadn't slept well, her entire night had been spent replaying the conversation she had with Harry. Clara slipped out of her silk sheets and put on her uniform. Her bare feet stumbled across the floor until she found herself in front of her mirror.

Clara looked like a hot mess. Her hair was messy, her tie was crooked, and the bags under her eyes were dark and deep. She sighed and walked to the Great Hall for breakfast. At least she didn't have to carry around her bag today, the only thing she carried was her book of the day. Reading was an escape for Clara. No matter how stressed she was, a good book always lifted her spirits.

The rest of the day was a blur, Clara mostly just sat in classes and read while other students prepared for the Hogsmeade trip tomorrow and their winter vacations. After dinner she walked down the halls to the Room of Requirement and silently entered the large room. There was only one other person inside and Clara cursed herself for being early.

The room was decorated for Christmas, but for some reason Harry was taking down the decorations. Upon further inspection, Clara understood why he didn't enjoy them. Each golden bauble displayed a picture of Harry's face that said 'Have A Very Harry Christmas!' Clara giggled and pulled one down. Harry turned to face her, and she froze in place. She hadn't meant to make herself known, and this was the first time she had seen him since their disagreement in the hallway.

"Hi." said Clara. The awkwardness was thicker than fog, and it was obvious that Harry didn't want to talk to her.

"Hi." replied Harry.

He turned his back again and continued to pull down the decorations. Clara pulled down some more before attempting conversation again.

"These are er- nice. Who made them?"

"They're not nice, they're humiliating. Dobby, he's a house-elf, he made them."

Clara gasped and looked around the room. Dobby was nowhere to be seen and she frowned before taking down more decorations.

"Do you know Dobby?" Harry said with a judging look.

"Yes. He was the Malfoy's elf. He was so sweet, me and Draco used to play with him when we were children."

Clara smiled at the memory. She hadn't seen Dobby since he had been released from the Malfoy's and she sometimes wondered where he had ended up. Clara pulled down the last decoration and walked toward Harry. She placed the golden decorations in his hand and quickly pulled away when she felt her hand linger on his.

"Harry, I am rea-"

"Oh, good! You're both here." said Hermione, waltzing through the door with Ron Weasley following right behind her. Clara sighed and turned to face Hermione.

"Now we can talk about that thing that we were going to talk about?" said Hermione to a confused looking Harry. Recognition spread over his face and he nodded.

Ron and Hermione walked up to Clara and Hermione sat her down on a cushion. Hermione quickly sat next to her and the boys sat across from the two girls.

"You're not kicking me out of the club, are you?" Clara asked, "I know I'm mean but I really like this club, I don't want to leave."

Hermione opened her mouth to say something and then quickly closed it. She looked to the boys with confusion and then looked back to Clara.

"No, we're not kicking you out." Hermione said gently, "We're here to propose an idea."

She nodded to Ron who leaned forward and smiled at Clara.

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