chapter two

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Clara's eyes fluttered open at about 2:30 in the morning. Darkness still seeped around her, and for a moment she thought she might be dead. 

Her eyes adjusted soon enough and she was finally able to pinpoint her location. She'd gotten to the Burrow. She didn't know by what miracle she had arrived - she was nowhere near her Portkey when she had crashed - but she had made it. A small smile crept on her face as she relaxed into the small couch she was resting on.

A sting hit her cheek as her lips curled upward and she let out a gasp at the pain. Immediately, a person's body flung up next to Clara. Harry.

He stumbled around a bit on the ground searching for his glasses and finally found them on his right side. He put them on and looked at Clara.

"You're awake."

"A wonderful observation," said Clara, pulling herself into a sitting position, "How long was I out for? How'd I get here?"

Harry told her everything. After her fall, Bill and Fleur had flown down and grabbed her before the Death Eaters could circle back for her. They'd been flying right behind her and had seen the whole thing. Clara was still in a bit of a shock. She couldn't believe that Moody had really died. Moody, the bravest, strongest, man she'd probably ever met. If she had placed bets on anyone dying tonight, he would've been her last choice.

"Obviously," Harry concluded, "You've had a rough night."

Clara could feel the sting in her cheek again as she opened her mouth to speak. "No kidding."

"Anything besides your cheek cut up?"

Clara examined herself quickly, moving things and checking her body for any weaknesses. She sat up fully, moving her legs, and instantly seized in pain. "My knee, oh, Godric, that hurt."

Harry nodded and rolled up Clara's jean leg. A small gash was wet with blood on her left knee, and by the looks of it, her skin wasn't holding to her bone too well.

"Molly will have to fix it properly in the morning, but for now," Harry got up and started towards the kitchen, "I'll get some remedies going."

"Harry, you don't have to-"

"Yes, I do."

Minutes later, Harry returned with a multitude of items. He began his treatment with a towel and some antiseptic. After Clara's knee was relatively clean, he moved closer to work on her cheek.

"This one doesn't look too bad." he said as he pushed the towel onto the thin slice in her cheek.

Clara flinched as the antiseptic entered her blood stream. "Easy to say when you're not the one getting wiped up."

Harry chuckled, "I suppose that's true."

Clara smiled and locked eyes with Harry as he released the pressure off of the towel. His hand rested on her face, their lips inches apart.

"Does it feel better now?" he whispered, flickering his eyes between Clara's eyes and her lips.

"Yeah, much."

Clara could only wish that he would close the space between them faster than he was now. She could feel his breath on her lips and she gazed into his eyes once more before preparing for his lips to meet hers.

"You're awake!"

Harry bounced backwards as Molly Weasley rushed to Clara's side.

"Yeah I was just about to go get you." said Harry, "Everything's er-" he cleared his throat awkwardly, "all clean but her knee's busted. I think maybe even broken."

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