chapter five

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The wind blew through the deep brown hair of a young girl. Her white gloves were stained brown from the dirt in the graveyard that surrounded her. A casket was lowered into the ground as a slow tear ran down the girl's face.

A tall man held her hand and gave it a tight squeeze. The small crowd of people left quietly, and all that remained was the girl and the man. Silence overtook them and the wind picked up, making a chill crawl across the girl's back.

"It's going to be alright, I've made plans to make sure we're okay." the man said as he knelt beside the girl.

His eyes searched hers for a response, but received nothing of the sort. The girl's eyes were trained to the hole in the ground.

"Why did she leave us?"

The man opened his mouth to answer her, but the sky suddenly turned black and the wind kicked more ferociously than ever at their black clothing.

"What's happening?" the small girl said.

The man did not reply but instead turned his back and walked towards the edge of the graveyard.

"Dad? Daddy, where are you going?"

There was still no response, and the darkness was drowning out the light faster than before. The cries had now turned to screams as the girl ran after her father.

"Daddy, please! Where are you going? Dad!"

Clara sat straight up in her bed and clutched her chest. Sweat dripped from her forehead and she tried to slow her breathing. A chuckle came from the bed beside her and she turned to see her roommate, Pansy Parkinson, reading.

"What's the matter with you? Have a scary dream?" she teased.

"Shut up, Pansy, or I'll pick a different roommate to share the Prefect dorm with."

Pansy stuck her tongue out at Clara and laughed lightly.

Clara put on her slippers and left her room. The door squeaked as she closed it and she tiptoed down the stairs. The Slytherin common room was cold and dark, the cushions were emerald green and the tables looked more expensive than Clara's jewelry collection. The fireplace let out a low hum, and Clara was suddenly aware that she wasn't the only person here.

She sat down next to the familiar figure and watched the fireplace crackle. 

"Hey." she said after a moment.


"What are you doing up so late, Draco?"

"I could ask you the same question." he said in a cold voice.

There was an awkward silence before he turned his body towards her.

"Is it the nightmares again?" his eyes had left their usual icy silver and turned into a warmer grey.

"Yes, I can't seem to shake them."

"Still the same scene?"

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