chapter thirteen

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Clara walked to breakfast with heavy bags under her eyes. Her head ached and she wished there was a way to pause time so she could just stop and think. Students chatted happily in front of her and Clara sighed as she forced down a bowl of oatmeal. She decided to leave early, maybe she could get a story out of Professor Binns, although she doubted she would. He was scared of Umbridge, just like every other teacher. She picked up her books and walked out the doors. 

She stopped herself before slamming into a person. An irritated sigh signaled Clara's worst fear, she had run into Harry. She looked up at him and rolled her eyes.

"You look like shit." he said.

"You've got no room to talk." Clara said, examining Harry's messy hair and crooked glasses. He clenched his fists before rolling his eyes and pushing past her. Clara huffed and continued to History of Magic. The day dragged on and before she knew it she was in her bed staring at her ceiling again.

It seemed that most of her days became this way, she woke up angry, went to class, did work, and fell asleep wishing she wasn't angry. She wasn't quite sure why she was angry, was it because of Harry? Herself? The world? Whatever it was, she wished every night it would go away. Her shoulders slumped as she dragged her feet and walked to the DADA meeting.

A tiny piece of paper lay on the ground and Clara bent down to pick it up. She quickly checked the hall to make sure no one was around and pulled out her wand.

"Engorgio." The paper obeyed and grew to a normal size.

No practice, enjoy Valentine's in Hogsmeade! See you next week!

-Hermione Jean Granger

"Reducio!" The paper shrunk once more and Clara released it from her grip.

Clara sighed and retreated back to the great hall. How had she forgotten that it was already Valentine's Day? It was now rather obvious to her why everything had been decorated in red and pink hearts. As she walked down the hall, many couples walked past, probably on their way to a dinner date in Hogsmeade. 

Clara rolled her eyes and quickly escaped the suffocating happiness of the hallway. She somehow ended up just outside Hagrid's Hut. She found a tree and decided it would be a great place to read, it's not like Hagrid would have a Valentine. 

Apparently, she had been wrong, because twenty minutes later a figure was walking into his hut. The door opened, revealing Hagrid and a large dog. Clara bent her head back down to continue reading, but felt something coming towards her. 

"Fang, no!" Hagrid yelled. Clara's eyes went up and were only open for a second before the dog had jumped onto her. Slobber dripped onto her robes and Clara tried and failed to push the creature off of her. The dog was finally pulled off and Clara carefully opened her eyes.

"Sorry bout that, I reckon he was jus' tryin to be friendly."

Hagrid offered his hand and Clara gladly accepted it. She was pulled to her feet with ease and she checked her bag quickly. Smoke was hiding in the very back.

"Smoke, you coward." Clara said with a chuckle. She pulled the cat out of the bag and saw Hagrid's eyes light up.

"Oh, Fang loves cats! That's probably why he jumped ya."

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