chapter two

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Clara awoke with a smile on her face and quickly got ready for her classes. She pinned her brown hair in a loose bun and flung on her favorite pair of shoes. She walked down to the great hall in silence. There was no sound Clara enjoyed more than the pure silence that overcame the halls when no one else was awake. She hurried into the great hall and sat down at the Slytherin table. The hall was empty besides one wizard sitting at the front of the room.

Albus Dumbledore was a magnificent wizard. He was the Headmaster of Hogwarts and many people considered him to be the most intelligent and powerful wizard alive. Clara looked towards him and found that his eyes were already on her. She quickly turned her head away and opened her new history of magic textbook. It would be nice if she could answer some questions in class today.

Suddenly Clara could hear slow footsteps and she let out a sigh. Usually no one would be here for another thirty minutes, and she had planned on getting some quiet time with her school books.

The footsteps stopped and Clara looked up to see who had entered the hall. To her surprise Dumbledore stood right in front of her and was watching her devoir the words in her book.

"May I sit?" Dumbledore asked, gesturing to the seat across from her.

"Yes, of course." Clara said, sitting up and closing her book.

"You are Miss Dupont, correct?"


"Ah, I've heard much about you from teachers. A bright student, with talent in every course and skill."

Clara could feel her cheeks flush and tried not to seem too overjoyed by this information.

"Have you enjoyed your time at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, sir. I love it here."

"I'm glad to hear that. Might I remind you that your experience could be more enjoyable with a few friends by your side?"

"I- I have friends!" Clara said.

"Yes, I've noticed you and Miss Lovegood reading together on the lawn. But perhaps another person could be a good influence for you."

"Like who?" Clara said, crossing her arms. She was not at all interested in making more friends. Most everyone was either scared of her, too annoying, or just plain boring.

"Well, whoever you'd like I suppose. I just have a feeling that you will need more than Miss Lovegood for the next few years."

"And what's supposed to happen in the next few years?"

"I should be going. Students will be here soon, and I think I have oatmeal in my beard. Do consider my words. Have a good day, Miss Dupont."

Clara sat in the same place for a good five minutes before getting out her book again. She could make no sense of what Dumbledore said. Frankly, she thought he sounded quite like Professor Trewlany. 

Students started rushing in and Clara packed up her books. She tiptoed through the swarm of students and finally cleared out of the large doors. She rounded the corner and smacked into a thick object. She lifted her head to discover yet another surprise. Harry Potter, exactly the person she didn't want to see today. And to no one's surprise he was followed by Ron and Hermione.

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