chapter seven

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Three weeks and seven dates later, Clara and Harry were the happiest couple Hogwarts had ever seen. Or not seen, since no one had discovered their small secret yet. It was now halfway through October, and it was just about time for the first Hogsmeade trip.

Clara woke early on the morning of the trip, which was proving stormy, and whiled away the time until breakfast by reading her copy of Advanced Herbology. Once it was time to go to the Great Hall, Clara sat at the Ravenclaw table with Luna, once again breaking the school rule to sit at your house tables. The chatter between the pair was quickly broken when two very well-bundled figures tapped on their shoulders.

The girls turned to see Ron and Harry completely decked out in thick gloves, scarves, hats, and what seemed to be multiple jackets. Clara laughed at their appearance which earned her a confused look.

"Is that what you're wearing to Hogsmeade?" Luna asked curiously.

"Yes!" cried Ron, clearly offended by their laughter, "Is that what you two are wearing?"

He motioned to the girls matching black skirts and orange cardigans. The two also sported matching pumpkin earrings, but Luna had taken it a step further and even wore a pair of pumpkin shoes on her feet.

"Don't you think they're adorable?" nodded Luna.

A small smile formed on Harry's face as he looked down at Clara and the same smile replicated itself onto her face as she felt his eyes on her.

"You'll freeze to death!"

"No we won't." explained Clara. "It's a simple spell really. Focillio!"

Clara pointed her wand at the boys. Nothing happened for a moment, but then the boys immediately unzipped their jackets and tore off their gloves.

"Blimey! You could've waited till we took this load off, ya know!"

"Sorry! But at least now you can go to Hogsmeade in style."

"Who cares about style?" asked Harry, fixing his glasses.

"I do! It's a very nice way to express yourself!" said Luna.

"Right, well are we going now or what?"

"Sure, but where's Hermione?" asked Clara, looking around the room.

"Ah shit, we lost her again. I'll find her and meet up with you guys on the way there."

With that, Ron walked out of the Great Hall and the rest of the group gathered themselves quickly. They strode past the Gryffindor table, and stopped when they were waved down by Ginny and Neville.

"Hey guys!" said Neville.

"Hello Neville, Ginny." said Harry, "Care to join us on the way to Hogsmeade?"

"Actually, I've got a date today!" replied Neville excitedly.

"Wow... that's wonderful. Good for you, mate." 

Neville went back to eating his eggs and Harry turned to Ginny, who was already up and grabbing her sweater.

"Actually..." Luna started.

"We're going out as well, sorry guys!" finished Ginny.

The couple walked past Clara and Harry, leaving the two in awe of their luck.

"Well, I guess it's just us then." said Clara, sporting a wide grin.

"I guess so."

Harry extended his arm, allowing Clara to walk in front of him towards the doors. It wasn't long before the two were off of school grounds and on the path to Hogsmeade. The pair were surrounded by classmates and younger Hogwarts students who were all eager to visit the charming village.

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