chapter five

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Clara had been seated at the Slytherin table for almost an hour, and Harry was still nowhere to be seen. Anxiety settled in her stomach quickly, and as each minute passed by she became even more worried. She couldn't hear anything that the Hogwarts Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, was saying and she didn't even care.

As if reading her mind, Harry walked in through the large oak doors of the Great Hall. His face was covered in deep red blood, and even from thirty feet away Clara could see dirt on his glasses.

Clara watched as Hermione raised her wand to Harry's face, cleaning the mess of blood that had spilled from his nose. She let out a deep breath, finally relaxing. He had probably just tried some heroic bullshit again, what more could she expect from the Chosen One?

The feast was over soon and Clara waited behind the large doors for her group to exit the Great Hall. Soon, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Neville exited the doors and Clara joined their side. 

"What the hell did you do?" Clara asked, grabbing Harry's glasses and wiping them with her robe.

"I didn't do anything, your little friend thought it a good idea to break my fucking nose."

Harry snatched his glasses back and placed them on the rim of his nose. 

"He did not!"

"I sense a fight, we'll meet you in the common room, Harry." said Ron, ushering the others down the hallway.

"Why don't you believe me? Deep down you know he's not who you think he is."

"Who are you to be saying this? You don't even know him! Godric, I can not believe we're having the same fight, again!"

"I don't understand why you think I would lie about this!"

"I don't think you're lying! But he wouldn't do that unprovoked, which leads me to believe you're leaving out some of the story, and I'm guessing it's the part where you were an idiot."

"Fine! I took the cloak and listened in to his conversation-" Clara scoffed, disbelief echoing from her mouth. "Don't do that! It's important! He- well..."

"Spit it out, Potter."

"Really? Whatever. Clara, listen, he did it. He's one of them now."

Silence overtook the halls. Clara took a step back.

"You're serious?"

"Yes. Look, Clara, I'm so-"


Before Harry could utter another word Clara had walked half way down the hallway. She didn't know where she was going or what she would find, she just needed to get away. Why was this hurting her so much? There was no way she was going to believe Harry without proof. But obviously nothing she said or did could change his mind, especially not now. She would just have to deal with his new conspiracy until she proved him wrong. This was probably just some crazy idea based on some loosely worded statement Draco had made. He wasn't really a Death Eater. He couldn't be.

Clara found her way back to the Slytherin Common room and trudged up the stairs to her dorm. Her trunk lay on her bed, waiting to be unpacked. Clara unlocked the trunk and hung her clothes in her dresser. As soon as she finished unpacking she grabbed her pajamas. She took off her robe and hung it with her other clothes.

As her arm raised to put the robe onto a hanger, she noticed the bracelet adorning her wrist. She brought her arm back, taking a moment to examine the silver band. Guilt spread through her mind as she thought back to the conversation with Harry. She really hadn't meant to lose her cool. Clara put on her pajamas, deciding that she would apologize tomorrow. She climbed into her bed, and brought out a book to read before she fell asleep.

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