chapter fourteen

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A cloud of eye boogers and dried up mascara blocked Clara's vision as she woke up. She rubbed her eyes clear, and with a newly perfected vision, she could see every single flaw the night before had created. Her hair was knotted in, her lipstick had danced its way to her cheek, and by Godric she smelled worse than a troll. Creaks echoed through Clara's dorm room as she ran to the shower. After twenty minutes, her stench had been squashed and her hair was wrapped in a towel, waiting to dry and become presentable.

Clara's eyes wandered to the parcel Harry had gifted to her the night before. Her fingertips took over and she quickly unwrapped the present. There was a note on top of the small item, but Clara set it to the side. The wrapping revealed a silver necklace with a serpent on it. Clara smiled at it, and reached for the note.


Don't be disappointed yet, there's a special touch to

the necklace. Tap it three times, then make your judgements.

Clara did as instructed. The serpent charm swiftly slithered into two letters hanging onto each other. A small 'H' held a 'C' on its bottom right.

I cherish every moment of laughter, love, and even hatred I have with

you. You are everything to me. Happy Birthday Clara, I hope

it's the best one yet.

Forever yours,


A small butterfly flapped its wings inside of Clara's heart as she traced the words with her finger. Groans slipped into the air from the other side of the room and Clara quickly shoved the note into her dresser drawer as Pansy tossed her sheets off of her body. She tapped the necklace three times again, and once again the serpent was attached to the silver chain.

"Godric, that was a good party. I think I drank a few shots too many though." said Pansy, drifting towards the bedroom.

"I didn't even see you there! How did you get in?" 

"Told some third year in the hall that you'd be furious and probably hex him if he didn't let me in. The little turd bought it, what an idiot. Happy Birthday though, one year closer to your death bed."

"Thanks, Pansy. That's such a lovely way to put it."

Pansy curtsied, her black hair falling into her face. She tugged herself into the bathroom and Clara waited until she heard the shower running to tie the necklace around her neck.

She admired it for a moment in the mirror and then headed off to breakfast.

Three days later Harry and Clara had finally stolen another night together in the astronomy tower. 

"Godric, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." said Harry, kissing Clara's cheek and pulling their blanket over his bare chest. Clara nuzzled into Harry's welcoming arms and let herself relax in the warmth of his embrace.

"You see me every day, Scarhead."

Harry hummed in agreement, his hand lightly stroking Clara's hair. "Not like this. I miss you when we're not alone."

"I know. I miss you too, but..." Clara pulled her necklace off of her chest and proudly showed it to Harry. "I've always got you close to my heart." 

This brought a perfect smile to Harry's face. He kissed her forehead and soon the pair were off in a quiet doze. It was nights like these that kept Clara sane. These days, it seemed like darkness was always threatening to break in.

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