chapter seven

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Luna and Clara ran down the long stone hallway. It was Saturday, and since finals had ended yesterday the pair were free to do whatever they pleased. It had been two weeks since the first meeting of the D.A, and the second meeting went just as well as the first. Clara continued to partner with Neville, and she had grown fond of his company. Neville was quite shy, but surprisingly funny. Clara also wanted to make sure that Ginny and Luna spent as much time as they could together as she suspected that the pair were developing feelings for each other, and who was she to stand in the way of love?

The girls came to a halt at their favorite tree and quickly sat down. Luna took out her weekly Quibbler and began reading softly to Clara. It was the perfect way to wake up, Luna's voice created some sort of home in Clara's heart. Hearing her recite the articles made her feel safe and welcomed. Once Luna had finished reading, the two started chatting about everything that had happened this week.

"So..." said Clara as she wiggled her eyebrows.


"You and Ginny seem quite close."

Luna's cheeks immediately turned red. Her head went straight to the ground and she began to fiddle with her fingers.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, come on, Luna! I can read you like a book!"

"Oh, I guess you're right. I fancy her, but only a little!"

Clara let out a squeal and poked Luna's stomach. Luna let out a chuckle and the blush slowly left her cheeks.

"Well, I think you two would make an adorable couple. Oh! I did have a favor to ask you, although it's a bit of a long shot."

"Anything! Well not anything, but, ask away!"

Luna smiled brightly and Clara noticed the familiar twinkle that was always in Luna's blue eyes.

"My dad wrote last week and said I've got to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. I was wondering if there was any way that I could go home with you? I just don't want to be alone, but I completely understand if it's not doable."

Luna thought for a moment, and let out a short sigh.

"I wish you could, but my father is particularly strict lately. He's been on his toes and quite anxious, and he seems to think you and your father are evil beings. I'm so sorry, I don't think he'd allow it."

"It's okay. I just thought I'd ask."

Clara hugged Luna and helped her off the ground.

"Let's go to the Great Hall, I heard they're serving hot chocolate!"

The following Monday was a calm day, most of the teachers let students use class time as a free period to pack for their winter adventures. Since Clara didn't need to pack she spent most of her time thinking about the final Hogsmeade trip on Wednesday. She would have to get Luna and her father a present, but after that she would be free to roam the small village.

Clara entered the Potions classroom and saw the same face she dreaded seeing everyday. Harry Potter looked quite bored, and his hair was a bit neater than usual. Clara slid into her chair next to him and pulled out her book of the week. Reading was Clara's favorite activity, she wasn't very athletic and knew next to nothing about Quidditch. The one thing she knew was that Draco was a seeker, and that meant he searched for the smallest ball. Supposedly it was the greatest sport ever invented, but she had heard that from Oliver Wood, and she didn't expect an unbiased opinion from him. Not only was he the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, but he practically breathed Quidditch, it was the only thing he did. Harry was on the Quidditch team, people said he was spectacular, but Clara had never paid attention to him during matches.

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