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Clara Dupont was a bright witch who was afraid of nothing. The dark did little to her imagination and heights made her feel a sense of freedom. She felt a rush from the thought of an incoming storm, she was perfectly comfortable around snakes, spiders, and other alarming creatures, and any clinging thought of death felt peaceful rather than overwhelming. 

Clara's lack of fear made many others frightened of her. There was not a curse or spell she thought too inhumane and there was never a potion she wouldn't drink. If she had been a Gryffindor and full of bravery perhaps people would praise her, but she was not a Gryffindor and it wasn't bravery that wiped away her fear. Five years ago the sorting hat had decided that Clara Dupont was a perfect candidate for Slytherin house. This decision, along with her bold personality, made many students uneasy in her presence.

The one exception to this was Luna Lovegood, a peculiar witch who was a year younger than Clara. The mind of Luna Lovegood was so unattached to the common world of knowledge and mainly centered itself around fascinating concepts that only Luna could truly understand. This is what intrigued Clara the most about her best friend. While most of Hogwarts called her 'loony', Clara thought Luna was an incredibly intelligent person. The two outcasts became fast friends and did almost everything together.

Clara was the daughter of Louis and Margaret Dupont. Sadly, Margaret Dupont had died in a bank robbery when Clara was three years old. Clara's memories of her mother were slim to none, so her father was her main point of inspiration. 

Clara had been selected as prefect of Slytherin house this year, and her father had been so proud of her. To show Clara how much this meant to him he had bought her a small kitten. It was a black cat with bright yellow eyes, and this cat meant more to her than anything else in the world. She named it Smoke because his tail was slightly scorched from the few times he had gotten too close to their family fire. Clara kept Smoke close at all times, he reminded her of her father's pride and the approval of her father was the only thing she lived for.

The alarm on the wooden bedside table chirped with a deafening noise. Clara slapped her hand over it and rolled to her side. She let out a groan and rubbed her eyes before grabbing smoke and walking down to the kitchen.

"Hello, my little sunshine."

"Hi, dad!"

Her dad stood with a plate of pancakes and a big smile. Clara took a seat across from him and poured syrup over her share.

"It's a big day today." Louis said in between bites of fluffy sweetness.

"It's not really that different from my other years." Clara replied with a laugh.

"Darling, you're a prefect now. You have to be prestigious and respectable. Not to mention you have your O.W.L.S this year."

Clara looked up to a pair of unhappy green eyes. These stares tore her insides up and made her want to puke. She gulped and looked back to her pancakes.

"You need to understand that you have a reputation to uphold, and you will not disappoint me." her father said in a slightly lowered voice.

"I understand, father." Clara said.

She looked back into his eyes for a response. The stone cold orbs changed into the familiar and gentle eyes of the father that she adored so much. 

"Well, you best be heading off then. Wouldn't want to be late on your first day!"

"Right, goodbye dad."

Louis pulled her into a tight hug and she finally relaxed. She knew her father loved her, she just had to prove herself worthy. How hard could it be?


Wow. Wow. Wow.

I finished the prologue! I'm really proud

of this story so far. I have a lot of

ideas for it, but if you have any suggestions

please leave them in the



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