Part 1: Chapter 3

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Hinata froze. His smile stayed on his face for, like, two seconds, as he processed what just happened. Then his face turned red and he tried to cover it with his hands. "Kiyokooo! Why would you suggest that?" he whimpered, peeking through his fingers. He wasn't the only one bewildered.

Kiyoko tossed her hair behind her shoulder. "Why not? You're all teammates anyway. I see you jumping all over the others at the gym, so why should sitting on a lap be any different?" she said. "Oh, and before you ask, no. You aren't allowed to choose me."

Fuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Hinata's mind repeated the word when he heard her explain.

"The poor tangerine is gay panicking," Yamaguchi observed.

Asashi crossed his arms. "Serves him right for saying I screech. You have to understand how hard being brave is."

Diachi was busy chilling and eating food. "Are you not going to defend the innocent child?" Yamaguchi asked, eyeing him and Sugawara.

Sugawara leaned back. "I really don't feel like getting up right now, or giving up the couch.  And I need my own share of watching my friends suffer. However-" He cracked his knuckles. "I will if it gets too out of hand."

Tsukishima grinned. It wasn't a normal grin, it was an EVIL grin. Hinata shivered. "Before you decide, Hinata, I dare you to pick one of your closest friends."


"Double dare."


"Triple dog dare. You can't reject or I take all your food."

Hinata sighed. He took a step forward, raised his hand, and threw the meat bun he was holding with all his might. He was blushing intensely. "Don't tease me! I'll just end up making him uncomfortable," he blabbered. He took a deep breath. "Give me time to prepare." Then he ran out the room. 

He slammed into the bathroom and washed his face off. How could Kiyoko do this to me? Sitting on someone's lap? How was I supposed to react to that? He was embarrassed. Hinata stared at himself in the mirror. And my best friend? That would make stuff awkward between us! I sound like I'm a girl with a crush, and I don't even like anyone. But how do you just go and-

"Why should sitting on a lap be any different?"

BECAUSE BHJNJBHNJUNBHJIKMNBHJ. Hinata closed his eyes and began breathing slowly. Kiyoko was right. Hinata was a person that looked like he didn't believe in personal space (even though he did-), so why should it matter? He grabbed a towel and wiped his face off. Alright! I can do this! Just don't make it awkward!

Okay, so his best friend. Who was his best friend? Hinata thought for a moment. He had four. Sugawara, Kageyama, Tanaka, and Nishinoya. He couldn't do Sugawara because the couch would be cramped. He couldn't do Tanaka because he never sat on a table before. Kageyama or Nishinoya? NO WAY HE WAS DOING BAKAYAMA. Like, EW. So that leaves Nishinoya. Nice and simple.

He turned to grab the door knob and stared at it. Should he really? HIS FOOD DEPENDED ON IT. HINATA WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR FOOD.

Hinata opened the door and walked back to where his friends were. Everyone had been talking, but immediately stopped. They all stared at him. Tsukishima snickered. "Did you get enough courage to do it?"

Even though he wanted to tackle and strangle him, Hinata just waved his hand dismissively. "Yeah, yeah," he murmured. He wanted to run out the room, on a plane, and move across the state. This was so weird! AAAAAAAAARGH, he was going to kill Tsukishima after this. Then he'll kill Kageyama for kicking him. If he'd never kicked him, Hinata would've never realized he didn't have anywhere to sit.

He sat down next to Nishinoya, swung his legs around, and plopped then onto the liberos lap. Just his legs, that way he wasn't actually sitting on his lap. Honestly, Hinata felt a little less embarrassed and awkward than he expected!

Nishinoya, however, was acting crazy. "Wh- Wai- You- Why did yo- huh?" he stammered, dumbfounded.

"HA. NOW I'M NOT THE ONE SCREECHING." Asashi shouted, pointing at his friend. "THE BRAVE ONES SCREECH TOO!"

Yamaguchi scratched his head, a smile on his face. "Not only did you admit you were screeching, but you also admitted you weren't brave," he said, laughing a little.

"I. Have. An. Excuse." Nishinoya looked away.

Kiyoko rubbed her hands together. She had a large smirk on her face and her blue eyes shined. "Nice choice, Hinata. Just wait 'till the others hear about this. Me and Yachi's ship is finally sailing."

"I- I need food." Hinata grabbed Nishinoya's chips and started gobbling them down.

"Noooooooooooooooo, my nachos! You heartless criminal!"

Tanaka fell off the table again, laughing his head off. Kiyoko snorted, gasped, and covered her mouth. Sugawara and Daichi both were still chilling, while Tsukishima looked more irritated than ever. Kageyama was scrolling through his phone. And Yamaguchi watched his friends, with a grin on his face.

Hinata tossed the empty nacho bag at Nishinoya. "Not my fault Tsukishima destroyed my meat bun."

"You literally THREW it at him," Kageyama spoke up.

"It was self defense."

Nishinoya shook the empty bag in Hinata's face. "How was it self defense? You can't talk yourself out of this," he said. "YOU THIEF. YOU OWE ME YOUR LIFE."

Him and Hinata ended up wrestling each other while the others watched, cheering for the person they thought would win.

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