Part One: Chapter 9

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Hinata grabbed a towel and began drying his hair. He hummed to himself happily. Today had been a good day! He had fun, hanging out with all his friends. Talking about friends, he wondered what they were doing now. He didn't want to make them wait long.

Still humming, Hinata opened the bathroom door. The house was strangely silent. He wrapped the towel around his neck, making his way towards the kitchen. Only Nishinoya was in there, eating brownies, and looking unsettled.

"Hi," Hinata greeted him. He looked around the kitchen, frowning. "Where's Suga-san and Tanaka-senpai?"

"Went to make a call. They wanted to talk with Kiyoko about something."


Hinata stood there awkwardly. Should he ask what? Was it really any of his business? Did Nishinoya know? Knowing Tanaka, he would be asking her to marry him, and get rejected. But Sugawara? He didn't really do that..

Curiosity was eating at Hinata. His head was filled with questions. He was always a nosy kid. He was so caught up in his thoughts, he just noticed Nishinoya was staring at him. "What is it?" Hinata asked, taking a seat at the table. "Do I look weird or something? Don't tell me I stink. I just tried this new shampoo, and I don't know whether to trust it or not."

Nishinoya smirked. He walked up to Hinata and leaned toward him. Hinata blinked, then blinked again. W-what's he doing? He still wasn't used to the fact that they were together, so he got extremely flustered. Nishinoya smiled. "Nope, you smell fine," he said suddenly. Hinata sighed with relief. His heart wasn't going to explode today. He could feel the rhythm starting to slow. Then, LITERALLY UNEXPECTED, Nishinoya darted forward, and licked his neck. "Taste good too."

OH SHI- Hinata nearly fell backwards. His heart was racing and his face might as well been a tomato. "Don't do that! And definitely don't say stuff like that," he scolded.

"Why not?" Nishinoya teased.

Hinata could only glare at him. Nishinoya leaned away from him for a second, wearing a thoughtful expression. He then placed his hands on Hinata's shoulders. Sly as a bat, the older friend sat on his lap.


Nishinoya rested his head by Hinata's collarbone and closed his eyes. "I can hear your heartbeat," he murmured.

Hinata, who was over the top gay panicking, choked out, "Oh really? Is it scary?"

"Scary? No, it's kinda relaxing."

Hinata had nowhere to put his hands. He was crying inside. Nishinoya probably wasn't going to mention it, but he knew his heart was racing. Nishinoya showed no sign of moving, so Hinata placed his hands against Nishinoya's waist.

They stayed like that for awhile, silent. Hinata eventually got bored. But he didn't complain. He let his thoughts wonder off. Like when was his mom going to get home from work? What was Kenma doing? He kinda wanted to text him. Just a simple hi. They hadn't talked all day.

He realized Nishinoya's breathing had slowed. Did he really fall asleep on me? What was Hinata supposed to do now? Sit there? Hell no, he ain't hurting his back for nobody.

Thankfully Nishinoya was smaller than him, making him light. Hinata slid his hands under the libero's legs and hoisted him onto his back. He was surprised he didn't wake up. Nishinoya's arms dangled as Hinata carried him into his bedroom. With a grunt, he laid Nishinoya on the bed. Then he turned off the lights and closed the door behind him.

"What a heavy sleeper," Hinata yawned to himself. He heard the front door open. Was it his mom? He ran to greet her.

"There you are, Hinata!" Tanaka said, grinning. Sugawara was behind him, putting his phone in his jacket pocket.

"Hi guys. What were you doing?" the tangerine greeted them.

"Just making a phone call. Nothing important," Sugawara answered. He ruffled Hinata's hair. "Where's Nishinoya?"

"He fell asleep."

Sugawara gave him a confused look, which Tanaka added with a 'ohoho, is that right?' smirk. Hinata defended quickly himself. "Maybe he had too many chocolates. He just dropped dead," he lied.

I'm definitely not gonna say, 'oh yea, he was sitting on my lap and fell asleep to my heartbeat. Totally normal thing teammates do'.

Tanaka and Sugawara exchanged glances. Hinata hoped they believed him. "Okay then. Well we have to go," Sugawara changed the subject.

"Awwwww, why?" Hinata pouted.

Tanaka looked extremely proud when he said, "We're going to meet up with Kiyoko!"

"You actually got a date with her? Did you spike her drink or something?"

Sugawara laughed and ruffled Hinata's hair. "No, he didn't. We're just gonna talk about something. Don't worry about it," he said. Hinata raised an eyebrow. They were acting suspicious. Were they hiding something?

"Okay then," he gave in.

Tanaka smirked. "What about Noya? Are we just going to leave him here?" he asked suddenly.

Sugawara shrugged. "I guess so. I don't feel like waking him up. Then he might start questioning us and ruin everything." Tanaka nodded. Sugawara patted Hinata's head and gave him a motherly smile. "Be safe. If Nishinoya starts acting up, call me. I'll gladly snap his neck for you."

Hinata gave him a bright smile. "Of course. See you, Suga-san! Bye Tanaka-senpai!"

Tanaka tossed back his head and laughed. Sugawara opened the door, grabbed him by his collar, and dragged him out the door. Hinata groaned after the door was closed.

His mom was going to be working late again. Good thing he had that pizza. He checked on Natsu. She was already asleep. Hinata could see her spiky orange hair poking out her covers. He went back to his room and turned his phone on, using it for light. Hinata frowned when he saw Nishinoya sleeping peacefully.

He checked the time real quick. It was past twelve. Hinata wanted to practice volleyball tomorrow. He thought it was good to practice, even in the summer, so his would never get too rusty. Hinata looked up to see Nishinoya move. His eyes flickered open, then closed again.

"Are you going to be staying for the night?" Hinata asked, crouching to plug his phone in.

The half asleep libero probably was barely conscious, but Hinata's voice seemed to register in his mind. Hinata watched as Nishinoya stretched his arm out. When he didn't find anything, he patted the bed. Hinata sighed. He was tired anyway. He crawled into bed next to Nishinoya.

Almost instantly, two arms wrapped around him. Hinata rested his chin against the liberos head and smiled. Nishinoya kind of reminded him of Natsu. They both were clingy and loving. Hinata kissed the top of his head, and Nishinoya snuggled closer. It was cute.

Hinata's breathing eventually slowed, and he fell into a peaceful and warm sleep.

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