Bonus Chapter

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Hinata was walking toward the gym, rubbing his eyes, and yawning. It had been a week since school started, and he still wasn't used to waking up early. He stopped. Tanaka and Yachi were crouched down, peeking over some bushes. He was about to take a picture of them when Tanaka called, "Hey, Hinata! Come over here for a sec."

You kinda sus, Hinata thought, narrowing his eyes. What were they spying on anyway? "But Kageyama said there were new first years that-"

"No one cares about that right now. Just look." Tanaka was being strangely persistent. Whatever they were spying on must've been juicy.

"I really want to, but Kageyama will get mad, and he's scary when he's mad-"

He almost died when, out of nowhere, someone yelled, "I really like you! Please go out with me!"

The faq. Now he gave in to his temptation and settled next to Yachi. The confessor was a girl with long black hair and brown eyes. Hinata had never seen her before. However he had seen the guy she was confessing to before. "HOLY SHIT THATS NOYA-

Tanaka covered his mouth, nearly killing him in the process. Luckily Hinata wasn't loud enough for them to hear.

"Sure," Nishinoya replied.

"WHAT?!" Tanaka yelled. Yachi covered his mouth and made them duck. There was silence for awhile (probably Nishinoya and the girl wondering where that random shout came from). When it seemed clear, the three peeked over the bushes again.

"Sure, you seem like a nice person," Nishinoya continued. "But I'm already in a relationship."

The girl brushed her hair behind her ear, looking bewildered. "You are? Who? I'm popular and friends with almost everyone in the school, and no girl said she's going out with you," she murmured.

Hinata choked on a leaf.

"And I never see you around the girls. If you're not around her alot, why don't you just break up with her? Obviously you want to end it."

Yachi choked back a snort. Hinata didn't have to look at Tanaka to know he was making one of his faces.

Nishinoya grabbed her shoulders and whispered something in her ear. Her slightly hopeful face crumbled into a look of disappointment and sadness. When he pulled away, she nodded. "I understand. Thank you for your time." With a sad smile, she walked away.

"Oh crap, run!" Tanaka yelped when he started heading their direction. He hurried (crawling) toward the gym. Yachi got up and hurried after him, pretending she was talking on the phone. Hinata tried to follow her.

He made it to the gym doors before something caught the hood of his hoodie. His hand slipped and he almost fell backward. Fudgecakes, I'm caught. He turned around. "Hi, I was- uh- eating the gym- wait no, walking to the gym," he blabbered.

Nishinoya raised an eyebrow. "You were eating the gym?"

Flustered and embarrassed, Hinata babbled, "I wish. That would be cool, but I don't think wood and stuff taste good. And it would be hard to eat."

Nishinoya stared at him for a moment. Then he exploded into laughter. "You're so weird," he said. Cool. I'm not suspicious. Now I just need to- "By the way, the club room is that way. You would die if you practiced like that." FUCK.

"Oh, I forgot," Hinata muttered, which wasn't exactly a lie. God, he could just hear Kageyama screaming at him now. This was not a good first impression on the first years that wanted to join the club.

"But first- where did Tanaka go?" Nishinoya asked, blocking Hinata's escape. "I would recognize that scream from anywhere."

"The gym. Go question him for whatever he did, I gotta like- do something."

The libero didn't move. He looked slightly worried, but mostly smug. "Why are you trying so hard to escape?"

"Hmmm, I don't know. MAYBE BECAUSE I DON'T WANNA DIE." He raised his hand to push Nishinoya away and run for his life, but he paused, biting his lip. "She was pretty," he murmured.

Nishinoya shrugged. "I guess."

"What did you say?"

That smug smile was back. "Do you really want to know?"

"You know what, no. I can imagine you just said 'I'm gay as fuck' and live a happy life," Hinata replied.

"I- How'd you know?" Hinata stared at Nishinoya in amazement. He couldn't imagine anyone saying that. As he suspected, Nishinoya smiled and said, "I'm kidding. BUT you just admitted you guys were spying on me."

Hinata crossed his arms. "Who wouldn't? One moment I'm walking, the next someones screaming to the top of their lungs for you to go out with them."

Nishinoya rubbed his neck. "She did say that pretty loudly."

The action made Hinata grumble under his breath and pull his hood up. "Can I go to the club room now? And can you tell Kageyama I'm going to have to keep my hoodie on?" he asked.

Nishinoya cocked his head. "You okay?"


He knew by the look Nishinoya was giving him, the libero didn't believe him. "You never wear hoodies during practice."

"I'm just cold today," Hinata sputtered, trying to find an excuse. "And I don't wanna freeze to death."

"You'd warm up by the activity."

"Look, I love you and all, but you really are careless."

Nishinoya looked more confused than ever. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "Did I do something?"

Hinata just glared at him. Nishinoya thought for a moment, almost allowing Hinata to make an escape. Then realization flashed across his face. Quickly he grabbed the tangerine (who had almost slid away), and pulled back his hoodie, exposing his neck and shoulder. "Ah, fuck," he muttered, dropping his hand.

Hinata fixed the hoodie, sighing. He inhaled. Then he pointed at Nishinoya and growled, "You are freaking crazy."

Nishinoya smiled sweetly. "But you like that."

"YOU- I- WHO- Just... Shush."

Nishinoya pretended to look hurt. But before he could reply someone shouted, "WHERE THE HELL IS THAT DUMBASS HINATA?"

"It's your fault, so you deal with it," Hinata snapped. Kageyama was furious. He was totally going to get killed.

"Fine. I'll tell the others you're freezing cold for some reason and that you need to wear your hoodie. I guess I do owe you one," Nishinoya gave in, running his fingers through his hair.

"That's right. You better be sorry," grumbled the tangerine.

"Oh, I never said I was sorry. I just said I owed you one."

Hinata waved his hand dismissively and finally slid past Nishinoya. He jogged quickly toward the club room, eager to play volleyball. On his way back, he stopped when he noticed a group of girls talking. He recognized the black haired girl. She was talking furiously. He couldn't make out the words she was saying (and honestly, he didn't really want to), but he heard one word that made his day.


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