Authors Note...Again

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Well, well, well. Look who it is. Did you miss me? No-oh, okay. My bad-

I have a valentines gift for you all! After deciding over the best ways to lose more sleep, torture myself, and getting ideas from my psychotic friends, I have made a decision. You guys get a Valentines Day gift~

Your gift is: a second book, duh.

I've been thinking over this, and I actually came up with a storyline for it. (lololol what am I doing with my life) This one continues our old storyline, a couple weeks after schools started up again. It involves jealousy, jealousy, and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....jealousy. It's not mostly about jealousy. Don't worry.

The continuation will be called Please Stay (sounds corny; WHEEZE). The first chapter is already out. Now I'm working on three fanfics at once. Bye sleep schedule.

So yes, now you know. *claps*

Also, thank you for all the continuing support. I really appreciate it *^*
Welp, I'm out. Adios!

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