Part 2: Chapter 14

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Hinata's mood was getting brighter and brighter the closer they got to the food court. He hadn't eaten since breakfast. Finally he would be able to relax his hunger.

Nishinoya stopped by one of the stores. "They have a shirt I wanted to get," he explained when Hinata gave him a questioning glance. He felt slightly disappointed, but nodded. On a table was a dinosaur figurine that looked very, very angry. It reminded him of Tsukishima and he choked back a laugh.

But there wasn't anything interesting to buy or look at. So Hinata sat on one of the benches by the changing rooms.

I'm booooooooooooooored. He sighed, then sighed again, like a dramatic little bean. He opened up the camera app on his phone, deciding to take a picture. Right before he took it, a smug head poked its way in. Hinata almost died, dropping his phone. "Why-How-Where did you come from?" he sputtered, glaring at Nishinoya.

"The void," his boyfriend responded, smiling as he bent to pick up Hinata's phone. "Aww, you didn't take the picture."

"Serves you right for SCARING THE CRAP outta me," Hinata said, taking the phone back, and frowning. He noticed that Nishinoya was still wearing the same shirt, and he wasn't carrying anything. He raised an eyebrow, suspicious. "Where's your precious shirt you wanted to get?"

Nishinoya looked sad. "I left it in the dressing room. It was too big."

"I suspected so," Hinata teased evilly.

The libero stuck his tongue out. "It probably wouldn't fit you either," he muttered.

Hinata crossed his arms. He was having fun now. "Wanna bet? I bet you it would totally fit me, and you have to get me ice cream."


He told Hinata which number he had been in, and the tangerine skipped inside. The shirt was a white shirt with a volleyball on each sleeve. Hinata began putting it on. Oh, it smells good. Wait-  HOW COME NISHINOYA SMELLS GOOD? Unfair.

He beamed. The shirt fit perfectly. Not only that, but it smelled really good. He was totally getting this.

He walked out and Nishinoya looked even more sad. "Yeay! A new shirt and ice cream. Today's a good day?" Hinata cheered.

Nishinoya raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming. "A new shirt?"

Hinata nodded. "You smell nice, so I'm getting it."

Nishinoya choked. He looked like he had not been expecting Hinata to admit it so casually. Hinata paid, smiling happily. "Is there even an ice cream booth in here?" he asked as they walked out.

He realized his friend wasn't looking at him. He poked his head so he could see Nishinoya's face. "Did you hear me?" he asked.

"Huh? Wha-" He glanced at Hinata, went red, and covered his face. "Nooooooooooooooo, stop it."

"What's wrong?"


"You sure?"

"No, but Imma keep telling myself that."

For some reason, that made Hinata laugh. The bravest member of Kurasuno's Volleyball Team was flustered. What a sight.

"Are you embarrassed?" Hinata teased.

Nishinoya glared at him. "It's your fault."

That made Hinata half confused, half smug. "My fault? I made you embarrassed?" he asked. He thought over it. What did he do? "Can you explain?"


Why are you being so difficult? "Okay...If you can't explain, tell me a way I can be as embarrassed as you are," he suggested.

Nishinoya stopped, looked at him, and tilted his head. His face wasn't red anymore. "What do you mean?" the libero asked.

Hinata met his eyes. "Well, if I feel embarrassed like you do, I could understand what I did to make you feel like that." For some reason, he didn't like the cocky smile forming on Nishinoya's face. Instantly his mind started going, wrong thing to say! Wrong thing to say!


Oh shi-

Instantly he was pinned against the wall. At first he was scared he was going to get murdered. But instead, Nishinoya cupped his face, and claimed his mouth.

The first thought Hinata had was- WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING IN PUBLIC PLACES? The second- Oh wait, this part of the mall is deserted. Then- THAT MAKES IT WORSE!

The weirdest part was that this kiss wasn't like the last one. This one was deeper. Hungrier. It felt Hinata's soul had been wrapped in millions of blankets. It was weird, bu magical, but mostly weird. The tangerine shivered.

When he pulled away, there was a string of saliva that Hinata cut with his hand, making a 'ew spit' face, then played it off by looking around.


"How do you feel?"

"EMBARRASSED, YOU FREAKING BAKA," Hinata snapped, unable to stop feeling guilty.

Nishinoya smiled. "Now you get it."

They continued walking. When they left the mall, Hinata realized something. "You weren't embarrassed," he gasped. "You were- wait, what did Tanaka call it? Oh right! You were HO-"

A hand covered his mouth, muffling his sentence. "Wrong!" Nishinoya said. "Totally wrong! Focus on ice cream."

Hinata snickered evilly.

When they finally got to the ice cream booth, they both order different flavored popsicles. "You're weird," Hinata said as he sat down on a patch of grass.

"You're weirder," Nishinoya replied, sitting next to him.

"No, I'm elegant." Hinata pretended to flip nonexistent long hair, and nearly dropped his popsicle. Nishinoya laughed. "YOU DON'T DENY IT THO," Hinata said, grinning. "SO IT'S TRUE."

"Do you still have your phone on you?"

He was surprised by the sudden question. "Yeah. Where else would it be? I don't plan on eating it," Hinata snorted. He pulled it out and gave it to Nishinoya, nearly dropping the popsicle again, which he glared at in frustration.

He ate it quickly, trying not to get a brain freeze.

"You're weirder than weird." Hinata gasped at the sudden insult. He turned to reply, but was handed his phone, almost causing him to drop his popsicle stick. He was on the verge of slamming it to the ground. But his angry glare turned into a look of awe. Nishinoya grinned at him. "You totally photobombed the picture."

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