Part 2: Chapter 11

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Hinata bounced restlessly, already tasting the sweet taste of lemonade. He craved some. He needed some. If he didn't have some soon, he was going to die. No mistake, he was going to fall over, and die.

He checked his phone again. Almost five. He was going to be able to go soon. Hinata watched as Natsu pulled on her white boots. She and him were dressed very alike for some reason. They both wore bright blue jeans. Hinata had on a black T shirt to go with his sneakers, while Natsu rocked a black and white tank top. "Are you ready?" Hinata asked his sister. She glanced up at him and nodded.

Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Lemonade, here I come. I'm ready to make you go extinct. You better run.

At five, Hinata told his mom where him and Natsu was going, and quickly left, holding his sisters hand. They were going to have to walk, since Natsu didn't know how to ride her bike yet. It didn't matter though. The place wasn't that far anyway.

"Where are we going?" Natsu asked suspiciously. "We aren't going to some random place to buy drugs are we?"

Hinata closed his eyes. He didn't even know what that was, but he had a feeling, deep inside, he shouldn't ask. He also had a feeling that Natsu shouldn't know what that was either. He counted to ten. He did it whenever he had to keep himself from asking a question he really wanted to ask. "No, we aren't. We're going to the Lemonade Stand," he answered finally.

Natsu widened her eyes. "Are we going to see ducks? And buy grapes?"

What is my sister shoving her head into? Hinata blinked at her, giving her the expression that probably made her feel like she said something really stupid. "No. Why would we buy grapes at a Lemonade Stand? AND WHY WOULD THERE BE DUCKS?"

"Why would there be birds? Why are there plants? Reality is just a allusion, brother, none of it is real." Natsu giggled hysterically at Hinata's bewildered expression. "I'm just playing with you. It's from a video I saw."


They continued walking. Natsu talked happily about the video she saw and Hinata commented every now and then. Finally he could see the cheap brown wood that formed the stand in the distance. It was so close. Hinata let Natsu climb onto his shoulders, and they ran the rest of the way.

"Hey Hinata!"

One of the reasons Hinata was so eager to go here was because Yachi was selling the lemonade. Everyone knew that Yachi was good at making drinks. Not as good as Tanaka's sister was, but close. Saeko would usually smash the fruit open- oh wait. Maybe it was good, but it also was extremely messy. Yachi won as the cleanest juice maker. Yeah, that was better.

"Who's that?" Natsu asked.

Yachi smiled and waved at the small tangerine. "Hello there! I'm Yachi. And what's your name?" she greeted.

"Natsu. Hey, can I get five hundred cups of lemonade? Please?" Natsu begged. Hinata inhaled, trying not to laugh.

"I don't- Do you- How could I- uhm..." Yachi trailed off and Hinata saved her by saying, "I don't think I have enough money, and I don't think Yachi has enough energy for that much. I just came for three cups."

Yachi nodded, giving him a grateful look. She got to work, peeking behind them. "Who's with you?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You're getting three cups, right? Who's getting the third one?"

Hinata smiled at her. He was proud as he placed his hand on his chest. "I will. Today I will destroy lemonade and its existence. Or at least, two cups of lemonade," he told her. Yachi held the pitcher in the air for a second. She looked terrified. Hinata waved his hand in her face and she snapped out of it, almost dropping the pitcher at the same time.

She began pouring them cups. "Oh- Uh.... How many lemons are in the world?" she asked thoughtfully.

Natsu smiled. "Two hundred million, four hundred fifty five billion, one pint, and twenty one," she answered proudly. 

Yachi gazed at her. They stared at each other for a moment. Then, as she handed Hinata's sister her cup, Yachi praised, "Correct!" She gave Hinata his two cups. "No one knows. So your sister could actually be the smartest person in the world. Lucky you."

Hinata took his lemonade. Yesssssssss, this was what he'd been craving for. He has finally found paradise. He took a sip and died. IT WAS SO GOOD. HE FELT HIMSELF MELT. Or maybe it was because he hasn't had lemonade in a long time. Who cares, it's still AMAZING. He drank eagerly, happy that he existed, and believed his day had turned to perfection. Natsu was also grinning smugly. She was either happy because of the lemonade, or she was just feeling smart because Yachi had said she was right.

Talking about Yachi, her whole expression had changed. It went from normal to sparkling like crazy. She was beaming. She was almost as bright as Hinata. Almost, but not quite. Yachi shifted, looking restless. SHE WAS RUINING HINATA'S ENJOYMENT. HE WAS TRYING TO ENJOY THIS HOLY LEMONADE.

"What is it?" Hinata finally gave in to his curiosity.

"Why didn't you tell me? You tratiorrrrrrrrrrrr. I would've loved to hear that. You should've told me!" Yachi squealed. Hinata cocked his head, confused. Yachi sighed. She smiled and leaned in. The cup slid out of Hinata's hand, and splashed onto the ground when she whispered, "How come you never told me you and Nishinoya were dating?"

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