Part 1: Chapter 7

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Hinata and Nishinoya walked in silence. Nishinoya had called Tanaka, and he'd told them the location of the haunted house. Hinata was struggling to keep pace with his friend, but he couldn't bring himself to look at him. It was too awkward. Hinata kept asking himself what happened. He'd been surprised and his body acted on its own. Hinata didn't really care about kissing the libero (was it wrong to say he liked it?), but in front of all those people? It kinda made him feel ashamed... And a little violated.

He looked at his sneakers. He could still feel the stares of tons of eyes. There was probably no one staring now. They were long gone out of the area. But Hinata still felt like everyone was watching him. He fidgeted.

Someone murmured something under their breath. Out of nowhere, a hand snatched Hinata's, and he was pulled into a small alley. It was between a tiny food store and some prize shop. It was cleaner than most of the alleys there. Hinata looked up to see Nishinoya crouching, his back against the brick wall. He looked... Heartbroken? No, that wasn't it. Scared.

Hinata didn't like seeing him like that. It made him sad. Also, it surprised him. Nishinoya was probably the bravest member of Karasuno's Volleyball Team. That scared look on his face didn't look right at all.

Before Hinata could ask what's wrong, Nishinoya blurted out, "I'm sorry."


"I wasn't thinking. You must've been so embarrassed. I'm really, really sorry, Hinata!" Nishinoya blabbered.


Hinata listened as Nishinoya continued. "Honestly, I don't know what I was doing. It kinda just happened. I feel so guilty. And all those people, like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"


"Shit, did I break you. Oh no-" Nishinoya started panicking. He waved his hand in front of Hinata's face. He looked around the area, looking for something to snap him out of it. He stared blankly at him for just awhile, lost in his thoughts.

Hinata burst out laughing. Instantly Nishinoya was broken from his 'blank face' trance. He cocked his head, looking confused. Hinata smiled. "What are you apologizing for? Other than fearing about having some random person come up, and start questioning us, I'm completely fine. Not even the tiniest bit mad," he assured. Okay, maybe he was a teenie tiny bit upset. But no one had to know about that.

Nishinoya tipped his head sideways. "Really?"

Hinata nodded.

"Then will you go out with me?"

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAH THERE. Hinata almost choked on his own spit. Was he joking? He narrowed his eyes and examined Nishinoya's expression. He looked completely serious. He's serious. This dude is serious. I'm just gonna sit here and die now. He turned around, sat down, and curled into a ball.

"Hinata?" A hand touched his back gently, causing the embarrassed ball of sunshine to shiver. "You okay?"


"Did I make you uncomfortable?"

Hinata peeked behind him. Nishinoya wasn't looking at him, though he had both a concerned face, and a happy expression. "HA, you look like Kageyama," Hinata teased.

Nishinoya replaced his hand with his foot, pressing it against Hinata's back not as gently. "Don't compare me to that milk drinker!" The tangerine giggled. Nishinoya removed his foot, still refusing to look at him. "Don't avoid the question."

Hinata bit his lip nervously. He was anxious. What would the team think? Will it affect how they play? But- He could at least try... His heart squeezed. "Okay."

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