Part 2: Chapter 15

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Hinata stared at Nishinoya for at least a minute, before narrowing his eyes. "I'm going to delete it," he said.

"Nooooooo," Nishinoya protested.

Hinata's eye sparkled mischievously. "I will," he threatened.

"All the work, stealing your phone, and doing it behind your back. You'll just let that go to waste?" Nishinoya asked, pretending to be horrified. Hinata grinned, and he sighed dramatically. "You know I can just do it again, right?"

"Why don't you use your own phone?" Hinata replied, dropping his hand, and clearly showing he wasn't going to delete the photo.

Nishinoya beamed, proud of his victory. It also caused Hinata to look away. "Because my phone's trash," he answered, biting off the last piece of the popsicle he was eating. "And I didn't feel like it."

Hinata rolled his eyes, staring at the dirty popsicle stick in his hand. "Lies," he said. "You just wanted to put more storage on my phone."

"How am I supposed to know how much storage you have on there? Besides I like it. You look cute, glaring at the stick like your planning its murder."


Nishinoya burst out laughing. "No, you won't."


"I didn't know you liked arcades."  They had been walking for awhile, and now Hinata had convinced Nishinoya to go with him to a arcade close by. The tangerine smiled happily as he looked over the multiple games around them.

"I'm not really into them. But Kenma showed me this place last week and I thought it was pretty cool. I asked him for some game suggestions," he chirped, showing his friend a message. Kenma had listed all the games he enjoyed playing, and some he thought Hinata might like. Nishinoya nodded approvingly.


He cocked his head. "Kenma showed you this arcade? How?" Nishinoya asked.

"Sometimes he'll visit. I told him I could try can go to Tokyo to visit him, but I haven't had the time, so he comes over instead. He is my best friend after all." Hinata's smile was bright and filled with happiness.

There was that feeling again...

Hinata looked like a ball of sunshine when he was talking about Kenma. He scanned the area, then pointed at one of the games. "I think he said this one was really good."

"Mk," Nishinoya replied. And the game was fun, actually most of the games were awesome. He had to admit Kenma had good taste. When they finished, Hinata, who seemed to always be hungry, insisted on having pizza. (Which he paid for because he isn't a bad person)

"You haven't talked a lot since we got here," Hinata observed, giving Nishinoya a questioning look. "Something wrong?"

"Nope." The libero took a big bite out of a slice of pizza.

It was clear Hinata didn't believe him. The tangerine narrowed his eyes suspiciously, but didn't ask anymore questions. Probably because he was think of the incident earlier, and would rather keep his appetite.

"Hey, did you get a crow keychain too?" he asked suddenly.

Nishinoya was startled and nearly knocked over his drink. He frowned. "No. I was thinking about it, but I changed my mind. Oh, when do you plan on giving Kenma the cat one?" He hoped he didn't sound as bitter as he heard it.

"Urmmm, I dunno. Maybe whenever he comes over again," Hinata answered, chewing thoughtfully.

"Make sure you don't lose it."

Hinata smiled from ear to ear, which one day could murder somebody. Actually, how many times has he smiled today? "I won't."

It actually brightened Nishinoya's mood a little. "Anyway, I wanted to give you this." Nishinoya was startled when he was handed a... Pig keychain???

Hinata snorted, clearly holding back a giggle. He gave Nishinoya, who was staring at him with a bewildered expression, a innocent look. But failed miserably, not able to hold back the laughter. "Okay, okay, sorry," he gasped. "I couldn't find anything else other than flamingos and alligators. So I went with a pig. You can't lie, it suits you."

"How does a PIG suit me? It would suit you better, mr. can't get enough food," his friend muttered. "How come Kenma gets a cat, and I get a pig?"

"You're so ungrateful," Hinata responded, still trying not to laugh.

When did he even buy this? Nishinoya stared judgingly at the pigs smug pink face. He sighed. "Thank you," he murmured.

"WHAT WAS THAT? I DIDN'T HEAR YOU." Hinata leaned across the table, one hand cupping his ear. "Say it again, will you?"

"You heard me."

"Nooooooo, I didn't."

Nishinoya grabbed Hinata's hand and squeezed it. He looked away for a moment, then met the tangerines eyes, and smiled happily. "I said thank you."

Hinata plopped back in his chair (he didn't pull his hand away though) and stared at him, surprised. He obviously hadn't expected Nishinoya to actually repeat himself. He grinned, and let their fingers entwine. "Your welcome, Noya."

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