Part 1: Chapter 10

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Nishinoya felt warm. Really warm. He groaned and rolled over. He felt arms slide off him, and the warmth was gone almost instantly. Wait, arms?

He sat up. First he noticed the unfamiliar room. Then he saw Hinata, sleeping like a baby, a line of drool coming from his mouth. Nishinoya remembered the day before. His face heated up. It had seemed like a dream. That must've meant Tanaka's bet was real too. He sighed.

What- Had he forgotten the bet?! Why was he sleeping in the same bed and flirting with Hinata? Tanaka and Sugawara could've taken a picture! Kiyoko would have her proof before the bet even started.

Nishinoya glanced behind him. Hinata was was still fast asleep, but this time he was clutching himself. Aww, how cute, Nishinoya thought with a soft smile. He ran his finger over the tangerines cheek. Hinata slowly opened his eyes. Nishinoya jerked away and fell off the bed.

"What are you doing?" Hinata asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Uh- Nothing. Nothing at all," Nishinoya said quickly. 

Hinata got out of bed and began stretching. He turned his head slightly so he was looking at Nishinoya. "You look like a duck with too many feathers," he teased. It was either a tease or a insult. Nishinoya couldn't tell.

He went to camera on his phone and fixed his hair. He grinned when it was nice and spiky like usual. Hinata was busy taking off his shirt. He grabbed a blue one and started putting it on. "Do you have any gel?" asked Nishinoya, shutting off his phone.

"What for?"

"I'm gonna let my hair be down today."

Hinata stared at him for a bit. Then he exploded in giggles. Nishinoya gave him a bewildered look. "You're going to look like a little kid," Hinata gasped.

"No, I won't! I'll look fashionable. Besides, you look like a little kid too!" Nishinoya defended himself.

Hinata gave him a loving smile. "But I'm taller."

Nishinoya looked away, pouting. Hinata giggled a little more. "There's gel in the bathroom cabinet," he finally answered. Nishinoya nodded thanks before leaving. He easily found the gel and began applying it to his hair. When he was finished, he winked at himself.

He opened the door and came face to face with Hinata. He was holding Nishinoya's jacket and a small bag of brownies. "Your stuff," he murmured.

"You want me to leave already?" Nishinoya pretended to be hurt.

"I got stuff to do today with mom and Natsu. You've stayed longer than planned anyway," Hinata replied, frowning at him. Sad, Nishinoya took the stuff and followed him to the front door.

Before Hinata could close the door, he pulled the tangerine into a hug. I promise this will be the last time for this week, Nishinoya said to himself. He let Hinata go and waved. "Well, I'm off!"

Hinata squirmed. He grabbed the liberos wrist, and looked up at him, hesitant. "What? Did you want a kiss instead?" Nishinoya teased. Hinata glared at him, his cheeks pink. Then he rolled his eyes, pulled Nishinoya close, and kissed his cheek. Then, covering his face, he murmured, "see you," and escaped into his house.

Nishinoya stared blankly at the door. His head turned swiftly when he heard rustling in the bushes nearby. Kiyoko's beautiful head poked out, carrying a triumphant smile.

"Remember this, child. I am everywhere," she said, waving her phone. Her grin grew wider. "You already lost this bet."


Kiyoko knows all the tea. Anyway, sorry this chapter was short. My friend requested a Kenhina, so I'm also working on that. You can check that out whenever you want. Hope you're enjoying so far :D

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