Part 1: Chapter 6

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"You owe me," Nishinoya whined, jumping up and down from Hinata's shoulders. "You lost the fight, so you owe me a bag of chips."

It was the next day. Surprisingly most of Karasuno's volleyball club was eager to join Hinata. Maybe Hinata had his own harem. Nishinoya grabbed Hinata's arm so he couldn't pull away anymore. "Get me some chips."

"I don't wanna," Hinata argued. He reached for Sugawara. "Help me."

Sugawara gave him a motherly smile. "Of course," he said. "Noya, let him go, or I'll break your arm."

Nishinoya sighed. His grip on Hinata's arm softened, and the orange headed bean slipped away. The libero stared at his hand. Was it just his imagination, or was he becoming more touchy? He couldn't tell. If he was, that wasn't a good thing. Nishinoya bit his lip nervously.  He still remembered the day before. He had been surprised when Hinata didn't pull away. But- ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH, STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM.

Someone tapped his wrist lightly. Nishinoya was snapped out of his thought to see Hinata looking at him. His hazel eyes seemed to be shining. "They don't sell chips here, dummy. Take this instead," he murmured. He spread Nishinoya's fingers and placed a chocolate bar in his palm.

"How was I supposed to know they didn't sell chips here?" Nishinoya asked, hoping Hinata couldn't hear how fast his heart was beating.

Tsukishima took a sip of water. He gave Karasuno's Guardian a eerie smile. "There's no chips on the menu."

Tanaka placed a coffee on Hinata's head. "AGH, thats cold!" the orange haired boy yelped. Tanaka laughed wickedly as the shorter friend tried pushing his arm away. He took the drink off his head and ruffled Hinata's hair.

"Bro, we should go to that new haunted house. It's literally just down the street," Tanaka suggested.

Asashi looked up from gobbling down pancakes (even though it was afternoon). "There's a new haunted house? At this time of the season? If you ask me, that's kinda suspicious," he said, his mouth full.

"Are you scared?" Yamaguchi asked.

"No. I'm just fearing for everyone's safety."

Nishinoya sat down at some random empty table, and took a bite out the chocolate bar. He thought for a moment, trying to figure out what haunted house Tanaka was talking about. It came back to memory instantly. "You're talking about that haunted house at the amusement park!" he gasped.

Kiyoko looked up from her book immediately. "Amusement park?"

Daichi tapped his chin. "I've heard of that amusement park. But I never went there. I heard the nacho's are really good there," he murmured.

"NACHO'S? THAT REMINDS ME OF MY NACHO'S THAT SOMEBODY STOLE," Nishinoya shouted. He glared at Hinata, who pretended he hadn't said anything. "You owe me a bag of chips. Lets go to the amusement park." Nishinoya got to his feet, prepared to leave.

Before he could walk out the door, Diachi grabbed his collar. "You had no reason to yell. Everyone's terrified." He frowned. "Apologize."


Nishinoya bit into a fluff of cotton candy. He followed the group, him and Hinata being behind. Yamaguchi was in front of them. "This is my first time at an amusement park," he said, glancing back at them. "I've never seen so many stuff."

Hinata bounced happily, a large grin on his face. "Me too! It's huge! I wanna ride all the rides, eat all the food, and play all the games. Like that one looks like it'll go woosh, and that one looks like a wham!" It was obvious that he was really excited. He was walking quickly, not looking where he was going. Hinata, being the clumsy bean he was, tripped.


Nishinoya fell to the ground, hitting his elbow hard. He opened his eyes to see Hinata on top of him. He had caught himself just enough so he wouldn't be literally laying on Nishinoya. "Ow-" Hinata must've realized he wasn't dead (or whatever he was thinking), because he finally realized the situation. He froze.

Okay, usually Nishinoya would've laughed it off, and joke around a little. But this was HINATA. Out of all people, it was the one he wouldn't be able to joke around and laugh with in this situation. They just stared at each other. One of them had to do something, or the others would be way ahead, and they would be lost. Brown eyes stared into hazel ones. Nishinoya looked calm on the outside, but on the inside-

WHYYYYYYYYY. I bet everyone is staring at us. Oh god- I'm scared. What do I do? I should tell him to get off. Yea, just- hvghbgvhbg. I can't speak. I'm panicking. Shiiiiiit. Help. Someone help me. Just tell him to get off. TELL HIM TO-

"Um, I- uh." Hinata was searching for words. He looked like he was slowly coming out of shock. His cheeks were flushed and he couldn't look at Nishinoya in the eye.

Wait- Not yet.


Hinata started to move. Nishinoya didn't know what the hell came over him. His mind just started saying not yet over and over again. Hinata was almost off him. Without a thought, Nishinoya grabbed his wrist, and pulled him down again.

PUBLIC. PUBLIC. PUBLIC. NOT IN PUBLIC, YOU MORON. His mind was screaming at him.

Why should he care? If Hinata didn't like him, he'll just push Nishinoya away. It was now or never.


With a sigh, Nishinoya closed the distance between them. It was easy to do since Hinata wasn't on top of him anymore. He could feel strangers eyes staring at them. But he didn't care. To his surprise, Hinata didn't pull away. For a second he was unresponsive. It was like kissing a stone. Then he kissed back. Nishinoya wasn't gonna lie, Hinata was a good kisser. A little inexperienced, but good. He felt Hinata tap on his shoulder twice.

Ah, right.

Nishinoya pulled away. Hinata was red, and breathing hard. He looked embarrassed. He had a right to be. But he met Nishinoya's eyes and gave an awkward smile. "I- uh... Think we lost the others."


Me, as I typed this: Poor Hinata ;-;

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