Part 2: Chapter 13

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Nishinoya sighed as he put his phone down. What was he getting himself into? Hinata was probably upset. He had a reason to be. Nishinoya would be upset if someone didn't tell him about a bet. But at the same time, he wouldn't. AAAAAAAAARGGGGGH, TANAKA WAS A TRAITOR. He would pay him back one day. Nishinoya would get Tanaka good.

But that didn't matter now. That would matter in twenty minutes, but not right now. Right now, Nishinoya had to decide where to have this date at.

And what to wear.

And the time.

WHY WAS IT SO COMPLICATED? He could hear Tsukishima sneering at him. "That's how people know you've been single your whole life," the salty blondie would mock. Well, I'm sorry. It's hard enough finding a beautiful, majestic, magical girl; like Kiyoko. Or anyone at that matter.

Nishinoya probably spent about an hour racking his brain for places. Finally he got an idea. He'd go where literally everything was at. The best hangout spot in the world.


He and Hinata had decided to meet up at three in the afternoon.  He was wearing a red shirt and black ripped jeans. Hinata arrived a little lite. He was wearing a blue shirt, with a yellow jacket tied around his waist, blue jeans, and black sneakers. Thank god, we're both dressed casually.

As Nishinoya suspected, Hinata looked slightly irritated. The tangerine was quiet as they walked. Finally he spoke up. "You wanted them to know," he murmured thoughtfully.

"Well, yeah, but at the same time, no," Nishinoya replied, smiling as Hinata cave him a confused look. "I wanted them to know because why not? But at the same time, I was scared of getting insulted and having to face consequences."

"You actually care about how other people see you? I'm surprised." Hinatas smile wasn't bright, but it still showed slight happiness. They kept walking in silence for awhile. "Where are we going?" Hinata asked.

Nishinoya grinned. "One of the best places in the world. The mall."

Hinata snorted playfully. "The mall? What a spot. What are we going to do? Eat all day?" That actually didn't sound like a bad plan. Nishinoya had thought of it, but he suspected it'd be too boring.

"Nah," he replied. "We're gonna go to the movies first, shop a little, then eat. After that... I don't know."

"That's so- oh. That isn't a bad plan to be honest." At the mention of eating, and a fun time to look forward to, Hinata was beaming. His orange hair glowed in the sunlight. He was smiling. Not a guarded or reserved smile this time. A actual smile, the one the whole Kurasuno team loved and wanted to protect (the smile only food could bring out). Nishinoya felt his heart speed up and he nearly died.

These are the moments I question why hearts exist.

It didn't take them long to get to the mall. Nishinoya led the way to the mini movie theater, and they bought popcorn and some snacks. By the time the movie finished, Hinata was crying. "That was so good! And emotional. My heart-" he gushed as they walked out. Unable to turn his emotions into words, the tangerine took a huge sip out of his drink.

"Do you cry during every movie?" Nishinoya teased.

"Yes. Even if it's a horror movie, I end up crying," Hinata answered, fiddling with his straw. He looked embarrassed. "Maybe I get too attached to the characters. Sometimes I cry because the movie is just- So good. I end up crying if it's really bad too. Like whyyyyy did you have to be this bad??"

Nishinoya laughed. He hadn't been expecting that answer at all. Hinata glared at him, his cheeks slightly pink from embarrassment. They walked around. "Ooooo, look at this," Hinata said suddenly. He ran past Nishinoya to a small booth shop. When his friend caught up to him, he turned around, and held out a small keychain. It had a little crow on it. "MWAHAHA, I have the crow."

"A crow for Kurasuno's tiny crow," Nishinoya murmured, inspecting the keychain. He thought it was adorable.

Hinata gave a look of triumph at the comment. He continued to look around the booth. "Oh, look! There's a cat. I can give this to Kenma." He held up another keychain, this one with a tortoiseshell cat on it. He took out his phone, took a photo, and began paying for the items.

Nishinoya didn't expect to feel like this. It was like frustration, mixed with sadness, mixed with envy. Maybe it was with how happy Hinata looked as he texted on his phone (probably to Kenma). Or maybe he felt left out. Either way, he felt extremely... Extremely...


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