Part 1: Chapter 1

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*I don't own any of the pictures in this

"Oi, it's officially summer!" Hinata said, jumping up and gripping a metal bar by the gym door. He had caught the 'Oi' habit from Kageyama. He swung on the bar, grinning at his teammates. "That means we can practice all day tomorrow, with no interruptions."

"Stupid," Kageyama said, tossing a volleyball in the air.  Sweat dripped down his face.

Tanaka slapped the volleyball out of his hands, and put him in a headlock. "Who you calling stupid?" he joked. He glanced up at Hinata. "I don't think we can practice in the gym during summer."

"I'm sure we can!" Hinata argued. "Just ask the coach." He ran up to Coach Ukai, who was drinking from a water bottle. "Right, Coach? We can practice during the summer without getting in trouble, right?"

"Umm," Ukai began. "No. I ain't gonna waste my summer with you brats." He placed the empty water bottle down. "If you want to practice, go to the park or something. Now hurry up and I'll get you all meat buns."

Karasuno cheered, racing each other out the gym.  Hinata squinted. The air was warm and the sun was high today. His orange hair glowed in the sunlight. He liked summer, because it matched his name. "Yo, Hinata! What are you standing there for?" He looked down from the sky to see Nishinoya looking back at him. His friend raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, I zoned out for a sec," Hinata said, running to catch up with him. They followed the others to the club room. Hinata quickly pulled off his shirt and began rummaging through his bag. "kageyama, do you have a hat?"

The setter glanced at him. "No, why? It would probably be to big for your tiny head anyway."

Hinata frowned at him, pulling his shirt out his bag. "You idiot! I can fit anything. I need a hat because I don't want to sweat all over my meat buns."

Tsukishima snickered. Hinata gave him a confused look. "You can't sweat on food, dumbass. You'll probably be cooled down by then anyway," he informed him, smirking. "From how much you eat after practice, I thought you'd know that."

Yamaguchi looked up and frowned. "That's rude, Tsukii."

"It was supposed to be."

Hinata opened his mouth to say an awesome comeback, when someone pressed against his head. He reached up to grab the hand and felt... A hat! "Oh?" he sputtered, dumbfounded. He turned around to see Nishinoya grinning at him. He also had on a hat, just like Hinata's, except his was blue.

He waved his hand, his grin growing wider. "You can use mine. I had two anyway and I don't really need two."

"Oh- okay," Hinata said. He was about to turn around and grab his shoes, when he stopped. He cocked his head. "Why do you have two hats anyway?"

Nishinoya scratched his head awkwardly. "Well I was gonna surprise Kiyoko by showing her how cool I looked with two hats. Then she would fall for me instantly. The power of hats!" he said, flexing one arm.

"Woah. Thats a great idea, bro! I can't believe I never thought of that," Tanaka praised.

Diachi opened the door to glare at everyone. "Why are you all still here? If you don't come out in five minutes, I'm locking you guys in here, and leaving."

"Roger!" everyone called, hurrying to grab their things.


Nishinoya snapped a popsicle apart and gave one to Hinata. They had decided to hang out after everyone left, and were now sitting at the park. Hinata was still wearing Nishinoya's cap. His orange hair poked out from under it. "I run in this park everyday," he told Nishinoya.

"I come here sometimes to run, but not everyday," his friend answered him. He turned his brown eyes to him, to see Hinata biting into the ice cream. Nishinoya burst out laughing. "You bite it like that, you'll get a brain freeze."

"No I won't." Hinata took another eager bite.

"Why are you eating the popsicle so eagerly? It makes you look weird," Nishinoya teased.

Hinata glanced up, his hazel eyes bright. He swallowed and grinned. "Popsicles taste so much better in summer. Imagine eating one in winter, or fall. You wouldn't enjoy it as much. Spring, it tastes good, but summer, it's delicious." He met Nishinoya stare then looked away. "You're right, it does sound weird."

A hand wiped his cheek gently. Nishinoya pulled his hand away, and showed Hinata ice cream smudged on his fingers. "Nah," he said, licking the melted remains off. "Now that I think about it, you're right."

Again, Hinata bit off the remaining chunk. He swallowed and was instantly met with pain. He placed his hand on his head, and closed his eyes tightly. "HAH! I TOLD YOU YOU WOULD GET BRAIN FREEZE!"

Tears filled Hinata's eyes. That had been the first brain freeze he'd had in awhile. He shook his head to clear away the pain, and wiped his eyes. He grabbed the worn out volleyball next to him. "Hey, Nishinoya. Teach me how to do Rolling Thunder!"

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