Part 1: Chapter 8

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Nishinoya closed his eyes, listening to music. He was behind the others as they walked to Hinata's house. The air was damp. Nishinoya groaned. Why couldn't the summer nights be at least a little cold? He wished he still had his cotton candy. But earlier he had to throw it in the trash because it got dirty. Oh, and some random woman stepped on it.

Actually... Nishinoya dug into his pocket, and pulled out the half eaten chocolate bar Hinata had given him. He'd completely forgotten about it. He bit into it and savored the chocolatey taste.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at Hinata's house. Natsu poked her head out of her room, a big grin on her face. "Hey, Onii-chan! How was- who are these people?" she greeted.

Hinata spread his arms, which Natsu happily jumped into. She glanced behind her brother to stare at the three people behind him (because the creator is too lazy to make almost everyone go to Hinata's house). Nishinoya watched as Hinata picked her up easily. "That's Suga and Tanaka. And I'm sure you already know Noya. They're all my senpai's."

Nishinoya and Tanaka felt a rush of happiness being called senpai. They both raised their chins and laughed.

"When were you interested in older men?" Natsu asked suddenly.

The comment shut the two soon-to-be-third-years up quick. Hinata opened his mouth and closed it. He placed his sister on the ground, inhaled, and smiled. "I never said anything about that. My friends are just hanging out."

Natsu opened her mouth to reply, but decided against it. She nodded, smiling. "See you, Onii-chan!"

Nishinoya smiled. "She looks like she's grown."

Hinata scratched the back of his head. He looked a little embarrassed. "I can't believe she said that," he muttered. "You guys aren't old at all. I'm sorry if she offended any of you."

"Its fine," Sugawara assured, waving his hand dismissively.

Tanaka barked a laugh. "Unlike Sugawara, me and Nishinoya are still in high school. So it's obvious we're not old. You're free to like us anytime, but my heart belongs to Kiyoko."

Nishinoya almost spit out the chocolate he was chewing. Hinata looked away. "Ohoho~ What's with these reactions?" Sugawara teased, pinching both of their cheeks. He grinned. "Don't tell me you two are dating?"

This time, Nishinoya did choke on the piece of chocolate he'd just bit into. He pulled away from the setter, red faced, and sputtered. "W-what makes you think that?"

Both Nishinoya and Hinata were worried about what the team would think if they opened up about their relationship. It could cause distractions, upset member among the club, or make things awkward. They had agreed to keep it a secret for now. But they had to be careful. Sugawara had something Nishinoya and Tanaka had nicknamed, 'Mama Senses'. He could easily tell when someone was hiding something.

"I'm just teasing you! Let's go get some brownies," Sugawara said, letting them go.

Hinata nodded, but he didn't go towards the kitchen like the others. "Give me a sec. I'm gonna take a shower and get changed first," he called. The others nodded before disappearing into the kitchen.

"It's so clean," Tanaka exclaimed, in awe.

Nishinoya could understand why he would be surprised. Hinata was a messy person. The better word was forgettable. He often forgot to clean up after studying or clean up after himself when he's finished eating. But Hinata was surprisingly cleaner than expected.

On the counter was a small bowl. Inside was the brownies. "Hinata said he made these?" Sugawara asked, picking one up.

"Yea," Nishinoya replied. He took one for himself. Without a care in the world, he stuffed it in his mouth. Oh wow! It was surprisingly good. Hinata was a horrible cook. But the brownies were tasty. 

Out of nowhere, Tanaka was staring into the depths of Nishinoya's soul. The liberal almost choked on his food AGAIN. Was today a murder Nishinoya day or something? "Sooooooo?" his best friend urged.

"So what?"

"How long have you two been dating?" Sugawara finished, pouring himself a cup of water. He took a sip as Nishinoya gave him a blank face. "You're reactions made it obvious."

Nishinoya didn't answer.

"Bwahahahaha," Tanaka snickered. "You don't have to be embarrassed, my dear friend. Congratulations!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Nishinoya quickly replied. "Me and Hinata aren't dating. It was just your imagination."

"Wanna bet?" Tanaka offered. "I bet I can get Kiyoko to take a picture of you two and send it to Sugawara. If she doesn't find any evidence you two are together, I'll give you twenty bucks. But if she does find evidence, I get to expose it to the everyone in the group chat."

"But Coach and Takeda are in that chat. Won't they think you're crazy?" Nishinoya argued.

Tanaka raised an eyebrow. "I never said which group chat I was sending it too. Don't worry about that until we get the evidence. Kimono said to give her a week. Until then, sit tight!"

Nishinoya growled under his breath. Tanaka has betrayed him. He and the wing spiked were usually the mischievous ones, always setting their teammates up, or playing pranks. The last thing he expected was for Tanaka to take a chance to turn on him. "What am I gonna tell Hinata?" Nishinoya murmured to himself.

"Don't tell him anything. Keep it a secret," Sugawara answered. Nishinoya gave him a dumbfounded look, and the setter gave a wicked grin. "There should be no reason to if you're not dating."

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