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Levi POV:

"I can't believe we're going on our first mission, this is going to be awesome!!" Isabel said while practically jumping in the air with excitement.

"Hey, don't forget why were here, it's not to have fun kill titans, we have an entirely different prey on our hands" I replied darkly, wiping my hand with my handkerchief and narrowing my eyes on commander Erwin.

"Woah lighten up Levi, once we secure our citizenship we can still have a little fun" Furlan exclaimed.

"Yeah he's right bro, when we get to live up here we can do anything we've ever dreamed of, and we can get rich and fat like the people in wall sina too" Isabel said while poking at my side and laughing. I swat her hands away.

"I don't want to get fat and rich, I just want to see the sky every single night, with no ceiling to block it" Furlan said

I looked at the both of them, my only two friends on what's left of this miserable world. I couldn't help but crack a small smile.

"Hey you guys, on our first mission outside the walls, let's see the stars together, without a wall or ceiling to stop our view." I say

"Yeah, that would be nice" Furlan replied.

The next thing I saw was Isabels severed head lying in the mud. I turned around to see a titan swallowing Furlans lower half, his torso going flying. I try to run towards it, but I'm not moving.

Shit shit shit

I reach for my blades, but they aren't there. There's an empty space by my legs where they normally lay. I try to run again but it's like trying to run through molasses. I look behind me to see a giant hand reaching for me. I open my mouth to let out a scream when it's hand makes contact with me, but no sound leaves my lips.

My eyes jolt open and I stare at my ceiling for a moment, my breathing heavy and pulse high. I haven't slept a wink since I've gotten back in the walls. Not that I can. Every time I try to rest I'm met with the gruesome memories of the past. These memories were bearable with Petra here, but now that she's gone, they eat away at me. I'm slowly losing myself again

Although I'm in agony, I still have to fulfill my duties as a captain. That means getting out and training the cadets the best I can so they don't suffer the same fate. I also need to separate my emotions from my work. Maybe if I can get them strong enough, I won't have to face seeing them go. I know it sounds stupid, me caring about them, but deep down I do. The brats are all I've got.

I step out onto the field. Appearing completely normal, like nothing ever happened. I put on my mask and don't let it show through.

I see Eren and y/n sparring. My eyes are glued to her as she fights. I'm mesmerized by her fighting style. She doesn't hesitate before she makes an attack. Watching her I almost forget about what happened to Petra.

She notices me staring and gets distracted. Eren takes this opportunity to get a direct hit on her. He draws back his arm but I shout at him before he can connect it with her gut.

"Eren, come with me, Hange wants to try some more experiments on you" I yell at the little brat.

"Oh god not again, that woman has been doing them non-stop all morning, I just got done with the last one" Eren complains.

He follows me to Hanges office.

"Oh Eren perfect timing, I just wanted to try something with the hardening crystals!!"

"He's all yours, and don't over do it okay, we still need him" I warn her

Eren makes a face at her and crosses his arms. He's willing to do the experiments for the good of humanity but that doesn't mean he enjoys it. I'm

"No problem captian, he's gonna be just fineee" Hange says with a slightly terrifying smile spread across her face.

After I drop him off, I shakily walk to my office. The weight of the previous week was starting to chip away at my otherwise perfect facade. I needed some time alone

Y/N Pov:

"Hey Eren, wanna spar?" I say with a mischievous grin.

"Like hell I do, remember what happened last time you asked that?"

"What, you ended up face down in the dirt with a broken nose?"

"Hey, it wasn't broken!!" He says defensively.

"Yes it was, but your titan powers healed it up before you could notice. I still broke it."

He squared his shoulders in an attempt to look threatening, but he just looked like an tiny angry dog. His bark is definitely worse than his bite.

"Okay, your on" he replies.

He starts the fight with a right hook that I swiftly dodge. I kick him in the stomach with my left foot and send him to the ground. It wasn't enough to knock him down and win, but it did throw him off. He got up and used his next attack, a punch to the gut.

I would have perfectly dodged the punch if I hadn't gotten distracted. Levi was monitoring training. He was watching the cadets and occasionally throwing out orders. He looks so much different than the way he did in his office yesterday. His hair is clean and he wears the same emotionless expression he always does.

To any person, he would appear normal. But I notice something. It's hard to tell from this distance but he is hurting. His shoulders are a little more slouched than normal and his eye bags are a little darker. My eyes meet his for a moment, and seconds later he's yelling orders at Eren.

"Eren come with me..."

He takes Eren to Hanges office and doesn't return back. I wonder what their doing.

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