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The sound of birds chirping forces me out of my slumber. I see sunlight poke through my eyelids and feel it warm my face. Staying still for a moment I think about the day ahead. It'll probably be another day of grueling, seemingly endless training, and Eren will be a bitch to convince to fight me again. I turned around in the soft covers and yawned, scrunching my face. I drift in and out of consciousness until the birds got too loud to keep sleeping.

I inhale deeply and open my eyes. Still groggy and half asleep I stand and walk to my dresser, opening it up to grab some pants. I slide one of my legs through and the end of the pant leg stops at my calf.

Huh? Did I shrink them in the wash. I remove the pants and fold them back up, replacing them with my pajama pants. I opt for getting my jacket and button up shirt on instead. I pull the sleeve of my button up over my arms and it stops short too. And then it hit me.

I look around and see that I'm not in my own room, but in captain Levis. My eyes scan the area, confirming this. While I'm looking around I see Levi leaning on the doorframe. His eyebrows are raised and he looks a little bothered.

"Is there a reason you are trying to put on my clothes cadet, you trying to make a statement or something?" he asks in an emotionless voice

I tried to think a way out of this incredibly awkward situation, but I had no such luck. The tension in the air was thick and it kept growing.

"I thought I was in my room, I guess I forgot I stayed here." I said innocently, holding up my hands.

His footsteps are quiet as he approaches me. He looks down at his feet when he reaches me.

"Uh.. captain?" I ask

He finally lifts his head to speak, his eyes piercing into mine. He looks serious for a second, almost like he wants to say something about last night, but then his face evens out.

"You need to get to your quarters before people start waking up and asking questions."

His voice is different than it was last night. Last night he sounded almost vulnerable, but this morning he sounds like he always has. He is simply giving orders to a cadet. It's almost as if nothing even happened, well except for the fact that he's standing closer to me than a captain should.

The tension got even thicker between us as I tried to understand the change in him. Why was he acting like nothing happened? He was practically glued to me seven hours ago.

"Um... thanks for letting me stay." I offer, the confusion setting in.

"Yeah, whatever brat." He says sharply.

I gather myself and step away from him, deciding to just let it be. The floorboards creak as I walk towards the door to his office. I walk in and I see it is spotless, no evidence of his previous episode. The picture frame was no where to be seen. The tea I brought with me was sitting on his desk. I bring the teacups and tray back with me to the mess hall, praying no one notices Levi's shirt still on my body.

After I drop them off and grab some breakfast, I head to my room. It's around seven and training will start soon. Captain Levi will be there along with commander Erwin and Section commander Hange.

With a quick change of clothes and some freshening up, I'm ready for the day.

The training field is slick with dew that the sun hasn't dried up yet. I look around and spot Armin, Eren, and Mikasa in a crowd of other cadets. Armin waves me over.

"Hey y/n!" Armin greets me when I get closer to them.

"Hey Eren, you ready to get your ass kicked today?" I gloat as I slap him on the back.

"Like hell, I'm gonna crush you"

I guess it's gonna take a lot less convincing than I thought.

"In your dreams titan boy" that got his blood boiling..perfect. Now I know I'll at least have a little bit of a challenge.

"Listen up everyone" I hear Hange shout.

Everyone stands at attention and directs their attention to commander Erwin.

"Today I want you to focus on hand to hand combat. Each of you will chose a partner to
spar with. This will be a good skill to learn regardless of the regiment you end up choosing. The winners of the matches will spar with captian Levi, section commander Hange, or myself. You will get to pick. Start as soon as your ready."

I look at Eren with a smirk across mystery lips and he looks a bit scared.

"Okay Eren, you ready?"

As if signaling the start of the fight, he moves into a fighting stance. I take him off guard and sprint right for him, throwing the first punch at his gut. It hits him with a satisfying smack. He try's to return the punch with his own, but I dodge it. He try's again and hits me square in the jaw, the force of the impact sends me flying. I shake it off and look around to gather my surroundings. Mikasa is fighting Ymir and Armin is getting pretty beat up by Reiner. Commander Erwin and Hange are watching the fights. Levi however has his sight set on me and Erens fight. As soon as he our eyes meet he looks away and watches another fight. I draw my attention back to my own fight

"What happened to kicking my ass?" He says

I turn around and I knock him to the ground with a few kicks. I bring myself down to pin him, holding his arms behind his back. I hope the captain saw that

"Don't get too confident Eren." I say with a small smirk, tightening his arms.

"Ow ow okay y/n you win" he shrieks in pain.

I instantly release him and get back up on my feet.

"Now, for my prize" I say to myself.

I'm pretty excited for an opportunity to fight one of the higher ups. It gives me a chance to test out my strength and push myself. I haven't decided who I'm gonna choose on yet.

Hange seems like the safest option, she will probably hold herself back a little so she doesn't hurt us too much. I like that idea, plus Hange is pretty nice and a fair competitor. Erwin is almost too strong for me to go up against. He looks pretty intimidating and I would hate to get caught up in a fight with him. And then there's Levi.

He isn't called humanity's strongest lightly. His strategy and skill surpasses anyone I've ever met. I would for sure lose against him. It would be a short match, just like me and Erens. I want to go the easy route, but something makes me want to choose Levi. I think about it for a second and make my final decision.

I make my way over to tell them about my win and challenge a match with one of them. My mouth is dry from nerves and I clear my throat to speak.

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