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Once Levi was done torturing me, he gently bandaged up my nose. It was uncomfortable but I wasn't going to complain.

It felt more sore than it had before he started to treat it.

"Do I need to lecture you about being careful while your under my supervision?" he asked, raising a thin brow.

"No captain, I think I'm good." I said softly.

It wasn't entirely my fault that I got injured, but I didn't mention that to Levi. The tension between us was growing and I wasn't about to make it worse.

He shifted off my bed and grabbed his shirt. He slid the first aid kit onto my bedside table, something about treating it myself later.

"Eat something when you get the chance, I don't need my cadets fainting on the battlefield"  he commanded.

"Will do sir... so do I get the day exempt tomorrow?" I asked shyly.

I mean, I was injured so I had a valid reason to skip training. It still felt like I was asking too much of him. If people paid attention, they might think I was getting special treatment.

He knew it too, hesitation coursed through him before he replied.

"I'll see if I can pull any strings with Erwin. You will know as soon as I do."

"Alright sir, thank you for... helping me." I said with a cautious voice.

He leaned closer and brought his hand up. It stayed a few inches from my cheek. I could feel the ghost of his touch melting at my skin.

A few seconds went by like this. I worried he would notice the shift in my breathing.

Without warning he dropped his hand and cleared his throat.

"Don't mention it cadet. Now really, get some rest" He said with a slightly strained voice.

I couldn't tell if it was hurt or fear that painted his face. His expression was nearly unreadable.

I stared at his back as he left the room and brought my hand to my cheek. What was that? And why did he stop himself?

Questions flooded my mind, most too frightening to even look into.

I had never seen him let as many walls down with anyone else, except maybe that girl in the photograph.

I had already decided to ask Erwin about her. He was Levis best friend, so I was sure he knew.

I laid my head down on my pillow and tried not to think about it.

The next day I was woken up by a graveling voice. Everyone else had already left for training. They must have seen I was injured and left me to rest.

"Hey, rise and shine cadet." Levi kicked the foot of my bed, shaking me awake.

I put my arm over my eyes to block out the sunlight. It pierced through my eyelids and left me in a sour mood. Rolling away from the sun, I cracked open my eyes.

He was standing at the foot of my bed dressed in casual clothes. It was different to see him out of uniform.

"Your out of training, but that doesn't mean you get to mope around and sleep all day, get up" He ordered.

"Mnnn five more minutes" I croaked out.

I was halfway asleep when he pulled the covers off my warm sleeping body. Grave mistake.

"CAPTIAN NO-" I shouted, covering my legs with my chest.

When I went to bed that night, the air was humid and hot. I peeled off my pants in the night to avoid heat stroke. All I was left in was my t-shirt and my underwear. I wasn't even wearing a bra.

Losing game (Levi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now