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I swallowed twice before I made eye contact with Captain Levi. He cleared his throat as if to say something, but the words never came out.

"I didn't take you as the type of man to sneak up on a girl showering...captain?"

His jaw tensed before he spoke.

"And I didn't take you as the type to let a man into your living quarters, let alone your superior." he scoffed

My mind raced to find a suitable response. He was right. I was standing in front of my captain, practically naked, and it was my own fault for allowing him to be here in the first place.

My face flushed a deep crimson and I glanced at the door. I picked at the skin on my fingers as I spoke.

"You were so desperate to hide your presence earlier... so why are you still here?"

He cleared his throat and met my gaze. His silver eyes melted when they met mine.

"i'll leave that up to your own imagination"

He nodded and found his way to the door, looking at the floor as he left, jaw clenched.

I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding once I was alone again. My heart was racing at an alarming pace.

I padded to the bench and sat down, running my hand through my disheveled hair. I closed my eyes and washed the feeling down.

Once I had regained my composure I finished up my shower. A part of me hoped that he had left the living quarters.

I was still embarrassed about the recent events, and seeing him so soon after would not exactly help.

I took a few careful steps towards the bathroom door and let my hand linger on the doorknob. I carefully turned it to the side and peeked out.

I almost fainted at the sight.

Levi had removed his soaked button down, revealing his tender skin. It was visible from the hip to the top of his head.

And he was sitting on my bed.

Quickly but stealthily, I shut the bathroom door and threw a hand to my mouth. My eyes were frozen. I felt like a deer in headlights.

There were 12 beds in the living quarters, one for each cadet. He couldn't have known which one was mine.

I could have waited it out, given him a chance to rethink how professional his current appearance and location was, but I couldn't let my embarrassment fester for another second. I turned around and held my chin high.

I opened the door fully this time and walked out. He looked up at me and picked up a small white tin box.

I looked at his face and tried so incredibly hard to keep my line of sight from wandering. I prayed it wasn't obvious how hard it was to keep eye contact.

His brows narrowed and he stared at a small cut on my nose below my right eye, soon after his eyes fell to the tin. 

Mine wavered a little. I caught the slightest glimpse of his toned chest.

I will admit, I didn't expect the short man to be so densely packed with muscle. His biceps pulsed with the slightest move of his arm.

He was filled out nicely, it was the kind of muscle that he could hide with loose fitting clothes but draw out with tighter clothes

My cut had crept into the bridge of my nose  and it was getting puffy.

"I found a first aid kit, come here" He said while patting the empty space next to his knee on my bed.

I decided that he was comfortable around me, so he didn't feel weird about being shirtless. That didn't stop me from feeling weird about it, even if it was my fault his shirt got wet.

I swallowed my breath and kept looking at anything but him. My chin was facing the floor and my wet hair was covering my face.

"Look at me" He said gently, but sternly.

My heart jumped when I lifted my head and stared straight into his liquid steel eyes.

His concentration was making him look even more serious than he normally did. He carefully wrapped his thin fingers around the tip of my chin and tilted my head down. My eyes stayed locked on his. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to look at him again without struggle.

A faint wrinkle was forming between his thin brows. I wondered what it would feel like if I ran my thumb over the crease, smoothing it out.

My hand twitched slightly at the thought. I longed touch him, any kind of touch. I lived for the times our hands brushed each other or our thighs bumped accidentally.

Every touch he brought came with zings of electricity that traveled to my stomach. It made me nervous but it felt nice.

His feather light touch ceased for a moment when he reached for the antiseptic. I jolted and grabbed onto the closest thing next to me...his arm.

I held onto his arm with brute strength and pleaded with him. His hand lay limp near my chest.

"WAIT wait, can we just... skip that step?" I said without shame. The antiseptic stung even worse than the cut itself, and Levi knew that.

I didn't notice that I had a death grip on his arm until I realized how much closer Levi had gotten to me. He was less than a few inches from my face, with his eyebrows raised.

I quickly let go and cleared my throat.

"I mean it's not like it's big enough to get infected anyway"  I said shyly.

His expression showed the slightest hint of annoyance.

"Any cut is capable of infection, you will use it if you value your nose." he said in a stern voice.

He could tell how shaken up I was about the antiseptic so he reached for my forearm. He pulled it closer to him and slid his hand down to hold mine.

He held onto it the way you would hold a child's hand. For some reason it seemed more innocent to keep our fingers from intertwining. He offered a gentle squeeze and a nod of reassurance.

"Just hang on and don't bite your tongue off, four eyes couldn't even fix you then" he said.

He took a cotton bud and soaked it in the antiseptic with a pair of long tweezers. It's strong smell filled my nose and made me scrunch the cartilage.

I closed my eyes and waited for the searing pain to engulf my face. I heard him say my name, encouraging me to open my eyes.

"Take a deep breath and don't move your eyes from mine. It's going to hurt bad, but it won't kill you."

I took a deep breath and stared right at him. He was looking at my cut while he pressed the cotton to my open wound.

My face lit up with pain and I let out a grunt. My eyes remained on his lids until he looked up from my cut, directly at me.

"I can't believe someone brave enough to join the scouts is scared of a little antiseptic."

"Just hurry up and get it over with" I spoke through clenched teeth

Losing game (Levi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now