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The sound of shuffling feet from outside the door filled my ears, not long after the door cracked open. Levi tore his attention from his paperwork.

"Come in cadet" he ordered.

I picked at my fingernails and walked to the front of his desk. I kept my eyes to the side, avoiding his gaze. A light airy noise brought my attention back to the captain. He sat down on his leather chair and crossed his legs, palms in his lap.

I fiddled with my hands some more as I waited for him to speak. He was silent for a second, my nerves only grew stronger and stronger.

"Cadet, that fight today was reckless. I thought you had more self preservation than that." He remarked.

"I needed a challenge." I offered.

"You aren't in my skill set brat. I could have taken you out easily, but you knew that didn't you?" He asked

"Yes sir."

He nodded in approval and picked up his pen, tucking some of his hair behind his ears. I noticed a couple stray pieces that didn't want to sit perfectly stick out. I resisted the urge to tuck them back in place.

"Your welcome to stay if you like" he says after noticing me lingering.

"I'd like that." I responded. I wasn't entirely sure if that was true. I find comfort in his company, but it was a tad bit awkward. All the nervousness I had felt earlier had melted away, leaving me feeling at peace with the situation.

"Take a seat" he nodded to the chair sitting directly in in front of him.

I shuffle over to the chair and gently sit down. I can't believe I'm really spending time with my captain for no reason other than being in each other's presence. He worked on paperwork and I watched him. He scribbled on each piece of yellowing parchment and placed it over the growing pile of papers. Time was irrelevant. Each second I spent sitting across from him was melting away. I could have sat here forever and been completely content, that is until Levi started showing signs of boredom.

He sat up and straightened out his back, rubbing his temples. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out the smallest yawn. I watched him, he was acting like I wasn't even here. He got right back to work, his mouth forming a slight frown. The scent of ink filled the air as he drug his pen over the papers a thousand times, over and over again. From the angle I was watching him in, his eyes looked really sunken in. Did this man ever sleep? He tore his eyes from his paperwork for a moment and noticed me staring.

"Oh y/n, you can be dismissed if you want, it's getting late and you have training tomorrow morning."

I glance out the window only to see the moon peeking through some clouds. Although I'm exhausted, the temptation to stay with Levi is strong. I could sit here for hours and watch him work. I shift the weight to the front of my feet, about to stand up, until I caught sight of his eyes again. The rims of them were much darker than I remembered seeing earlier. A mixture of yellow and blue surround his irises. His sunken in eyes meet mine and he cocks an eyebrow. He looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to speak. I open my mouth but my throat goes dry. I close it and swallow, working up the courage to ask.

"Could I maybe stay for a little while, I promise I won't get in the way sir."

He looks out the window and furrows his brows, then he looks back at me.

"Fine brat. It's not my problem if you fall asleep in the middle of training tomorrow."

I'm a little taken aback at this statement. He's sure one to talk. It looks like he's planning to stay up weather I leave or not. He never sleeps anyways. Maybe I could persuade him to try again...

"I won't... you seem to think I'm a lot weaker than I really am. I can handle staying up." I respond, leaning back into the chair.

"Alright then, you can stay" he says, picking up his pen and resuming his paperwork.

His head is tilted a little to the side and it's exposing some of his forehead. Usually I can't see it under his hair, but now it's perfectly visible. I follow his hairline down to his eyebrows and further down his face. I haven't ever noticed it, but he has kind of chubby cheeks. It's so subtle that just simply looking at him for a few seconds wouldn't give it away. I move my eyes and set my gaze on his perfect jawline. The angle that his head is in is really making it look nice. It comes to perfect edge where his jaw meets his neck.

I continue to take him in, moving my eyes to his arms. He has pretty short arms, but they are thick with muscles. The sleeves to his button up are rolled to his elbows, and I can see some veins scattered across his arms. Every time he moves his hand to write, I see different muscles in his arm flex. His hands are small and his fingers are long and slender. He grips his pen lightly in his hand. Im watching him write when suddenly the pen stops and he sets it down. I look up and am met with his grey eyes.

"Is there something your itching to say cadet? You've been staring at me for the past ten minutes" he says.

Ten minutes, has it really only been that long. And was I really being that obvious about it. Well he did ask me if I had anything to say, so here goes.

"This might sound a little unprofessional, and I know I'm overstepping, but I think... maybe you should try... getting some sleep?" I say timidly, getting less and less confident with each word.

"Not tired" he says while reaching for another stack of papers. His jaw hardens and he puts up the same front he had when I fought him earlier. I grab the stack before he can get to it.

"Listen, it won't hurt to try, and you don't even have to sleep, just try resting your eyes for a minute, the paperwork can wait."

He hesitantly withdraws his hand and leans back in his chair, closing his eyes.

"Fine cadet, but I'm not moving" he says.

I watch him some more, sitting in the chair as I wait for him to fall asleep. It takes a while but I notice his breathing fall steady and the creases of his brows fall slack. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I take this opportunity to study him even more. I watch his chest rise and fall as he takes his breathes.

Noticing the time, I figured I'd better get back to my room. After blowing out the oil lamp that had illuminated the room and putting the pen Levi was using back in its cup, I left to go to my room. I felt kind of bad for leaving him in his chair, but I was worried if I woke him up to move him to his bed he wouldn't fall asleep again.

I laid in my own bed and waited for sleep to come to me. The last thought that crossed my mind before I fell asleep was of the captain. He must really be getting to me.

Losing game (Levi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now