Day off

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Levi led me to the stables again, paranoia crept through me as he opened the stall door. I felt my nose throb a little at the memory of falling and smashing my nose. His gaze was almost playful as he patted Alrick's nose. It was rare to see that kind of thing from the captain. 

"Don't get too excited, he's in no need for another bath" Levi retorted.

A flash of anger flooded through me; he was clearly mocking my injuries from yesterday. I walked towards the stall door and opened it. 

"I have no obligation to spend my day with you captain, I am free to leave whenever I please" I told him. 

"Give me a break, I haven't even told you what we're doing yet, if you leave now, you can forever hold your peace." His hand stroked his horse's nose. His focus was directed to that soft hair on the tip of his nose.

I contemplated walking away, but the sight of the captain being so gentle entranced me. I took the sight in for as long as he would allow it.

His sleeves were rolled up again, he was at ease. The hair at the top of his head was tied up, exposing his clean undercut. He breathed in deep, low breaths as he looked at his horse. His once dull eyes had the slightest hint of life in them. He was truly at peace in that moment. 

I swallowed and cleared my throat.

"I guess I've got nothing better to do, might as well let you fill the time." I shrugged. 

Levi gave one final pat to Alrick and slipped the reins over his head. Alrick wasn't put into his full scouting attire. It was likely heavy, and Levi didn't want to strain him. 

The sound of hooves filled the silence left by Levi and I. Alrick set a slow pace, never going too far ahead of his master. Levi gripped the reins and led him outside. 

"Where are we taking him?" I asked.

"Were going on a little horseback ride, I hope you don't get motion sick. I have no intention of knowing what you had for breakfast." 

"Captain, scouts aren't issued horses." I reminded him.

"Your point?" He raised a brow ever so slightly.

"It looks like you're going to be going on a nice horseback ride alone, seeing as I don't have... a horse" The sarcastic undertones bled through my statement. 

"I can't believe we let people like you slip into the scout regiment, what the hell are you planning to do on a mission when you lose one of your horses?" This time his brows furrowed in annoyance.

"Um... well we could always double up?" I sheepishly responded

"And here I thought you were hopeless" he almost rolled his eyes as he said this. He grabbed Alrick's hair and pulled himself up, his forearms strained as he lifted his own bodyweight. He swung one of his legs over and straddled Alrick's bare back. Then he lifted his hips to scoot foreword, letting them down forcefully when he found the right spot. He scooted a little to adjust his seating. The sound of him patting the space behind him broke me out of my daze. He looked at me with expectant eyes. 

My face flushed and I looked down to avoid him. I let my thoughts wander a little too much this time while staring at his hips. I tried to cool myself off, but it wasn't working the greatest. He was growing impatient. A thought crossed my mind, a very awkward one. 

"I've got nothing to grab onto, where's his saddle?" I asked nervously

"A saddle would get in the way of two people riding a horse, wouldn't it?" He asked, not really expecting an answer. 

He was right, it would be easier to leave it behind. It wouldn't be any easier on my heart though. I had a fear of horses to begin with. I didn't want to fall off of the thing if it got too excited.

Losing game (Levi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now