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I move closer to him, only to see a sheen of sweat covering his face, his hair sticking to it. His blankets are crumpled up around his face. He opens his mouth and continues to mumble.


Huh? I can't make out what he's saying. It looks like he's having a nightmare or something. I grab his shoulders and gently shake him.

"Levi, Hey Levi" I whisper, but to no avail, he remains in a deep sleep.

"Levi!" I say a little louder as he continues to mumble.

It's no use. His nightmare didn't stop and neither did his slumber. I can't leave him like this. I know it's out of my jurisdiction but I don't want to see him in pain anymore.

After contemplating it for a moment, I pull the big white covers open and crawl into his bed. The warmth his body heat created engulfing me. I scoot closer to him, and we're almost touching. He's going to kill me if he finds out I'm doing this. Im completely crossing the line right now. I mean what am I thinking, sneaking into the captains bed like this. I whisper nothing in particular to him, just using my voice to try to sooth him. I hesitantly bring my hand to his head and run my fingers through his undercut, feeling the softness of his hair. It falls a little over his eyes and I see his eyelids twitch. He scrunches his face and takes a deep breath, leaning into my hand.

He enjoys my touch for a moment and then his eyelids slowly open. His hazy lidded eyes meet mine and for a second he looks taken aback. The look of confusion only crossed his face for a moment, but I caught it.

"Y/n, may I ask what your doing in my bed?" he mumbles in a deep voice.

"Oh uh... you were having a nightmare, and I wanted" I say in an innocent voice, worried about what he was going to say next.

I realize I'm still a little too close to him so I scoot back and sit up, getting ready to leave. There was a dent in the blankets where I was previously laying. I smooth it out and bring my feet to the cold hardwood floor, shifting my weight to the balls of my feet.

I feel a rough hand grasp my wrist, tugging a little.

"No, stay" he says, closing his eyes.

"Captain, I don't really think I should, it was a stupid idea to even get in here in the first place"

Instead of answering, he sits up and looks at me, bringing his hand to my waist and pulling me closer. I get the message that it's okay to be here and lay back down. I turn to face him but his back is to me. My arm moves without thinking, curling itself around Levi, drawing me closer to him.

My chest is pressed to his back and I can feel the outlines of his muscles through his thin t-shirt. I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck and I'm sure he can feel me breathing. With my free hand I trace the outline of his shoulder, feeling the grooves of his bicep. Every once and a while I find raised portions. They are only a couple inches long at most. His right shoulder is littered with scars, each one with a unique shape. I wonder if he got them in battle. It still shocks me that someone as experienced in killing titans as him can get hurt.

Levi turns around and his face is inches away from mine, his eyes still closed. His breath dances on my cheek.

"If you want to ask about them, that's fine" he tells me.

I hesitate before speaking, trying to find the words to my question.

"How did you get them, were you in battle?" I ask him gently.

He opens his eyes to answer me.

"They are all from years ago, I got them on my first mission. My horse slipped in the mud and threw me into some rocky terrain. They have faded a lot since then but I don't think they will ever go away. Stupid horse"

I snort a little laugh at that last comment. Well I guess they aren't very recent

"Oi, what's so funny?" He asks, lifting his head and propping it up with his hand.

"Oh, it's nothing" I respond

He lets it go and draws in a deep breath, yawning a little.

"Tired?" I ask him

"Yeah.. but also not in the slightest" he responds.

"Why's that?" I question.

He moves closer to me and rests his head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat. I bring my hand to his head and twirl sections of his hair in my fingertips. Right now I should be nervous, but I'm not. I trust the captain and his judgment. If he's okay with me being here, then I am too. In return he trusts me with his secret.

"My eyes are heavy, and I feel like I could sleep for two weeks straight, but my mind won't let me. I haven't slept for a week, I mean ever since... um never mind that..."

I don't press when he stops talking. I can tell it's only going to hurt him if I ask more out of him. I'm still a little shocked he's sharing this information with me.

I'm also grateful he decided to trust me with this.

"Mhm, well just try okay? You need some rest, your eye bags are big enough to carry a bathtub."

"Cadet" he warns me, effectively stopping my light insults.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop, goodnight captain"

"Mhmhm" he grumbles and nuzzles closer into my chest. I keep stroking his hair until I see him fall asleep. Once I'm sure he's unconscious I close my eyes and give in to sleep.

Losing game (Levi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now