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Levi opened the door to his office, collapsing into his chair. He couldn't remember the last time he slept. Exhaustion crept between his eyelids. He sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. His brow furrowed and frustration took over. He waited for sleep but it never came

Trying to rest was useless, so he settled on getting some work done. The room was silent except for his breathing and the scratching of his pen on the parchment. He hated paperwork, it was a boring and mundane task. Erwin knew he was capable of getting more strenuous tasks done, but he still insisted Levi sit down to fill out paperwork.

Knock knock knock

The light tapping on the door didn't startle him. He expected it.

"Name and business" He said in a soft tone.

He asked, but he already knew the answer. It was Petra Ral. His shoulders relaxed the slightest amount. He knew why she was there, and he was hopeful he would get some rest tonight.

"It's Petra sir, can I come in?"

"Enter" He said in a quiet voice, no louder than a whisper. He couldn't bring himself to say it any louder than that. He knew that she would come in even if she didn't hear him.

The door creaked as she opened it. He waited for it to softly close. Once he looked up at her he felt the full weight of his exhaustion hit him.

"Hey" he greeted.

She didn't respond, worry crept into her eyes when she met his.

"Levi, are you doing all right?" She walked over to his chair and rested her chin on his shoulder.

Levi melted at her touch. They weren't lovers, their relationship was strictly platonic. He didn't have any feelings for her that he ever planned on acting on. They both had too dangerous of jobs for that and they knew it. Still Levi couldn't help but think what they could have been...

"Same old same old I guess, you?" He responded

"I'm alright... um, Levi?"  She questioned as she touched the spot underneath his eye.

"Yes Petra?"

"When was the last time you slept? I know it can be hard for you sometimes and-"

"Don't be too worried with me cadet, I'm fine. It's nothing i'm not used to." Levi returned his focus to his paperwork. He was trying to avoid the question.

Soft pen strokes filled the silence that was the room. He dragged the letters on, slowly writing each word with perfect calligraphy. His handwriting truly matched his character. He was a methodical and thoughtful man. He planned his every move in battle with such precision and detail.

While he was an extremely intelligent military captain, he was still clueless about some of the most valuable and precious aspects of life. Levi was the opposite of a hopeless romantic. He had never even had time to fantasize about love. If he caught himself hoping, like he did in that very moment, he would do anything to divert his attention to something he deemed more important.

"I know, I know. I've just seen how you can get, old fart" Petra teased. She calmly ruffled his hair. That made something break in Levi. It must have been his walls coming down ever so slightly.

"...I wish it were easier, but every time i try..." he blurted out.

"Hey, Levi, come on. I'll stay with you." She gently grabbed his hand. He could see the sadness paint her eyes. Petra knew it too, that they could never be together.

"Mhmm" He responded as she pulled his exhausted body to his room.

She rummaged through his bottom drawer and pulled out some pajamas to throw at him. He lazily changed as she prepared his bed.

He caught himself staring at her as she fluffed the pillows and tugged at the sheets. He regularly shared a bed with her, but only for the purpose of rest. He told himself that it would benefit the scouts. For some reason, he felt that he had to excuse the behavior.

If he was constantly exhausted, he would not be on top of the game. It could harm himself and others if he had not rested every now and again. It was entirely necessary in the bigger picture.

When Petra was finished she pulled Levi into a long hug, making him lay down.

He rested his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes, letting go of everything that had been a source of stress.

Levi never used his bed. He was never asleep long enough to need it. He usually slept in his chair at his office. Petra laid down beside him and pulled him in. She wrapped her arms around him and let him lay his head on her chest. Her sure fingers ran through his hair.

Each night Petra was with him, resting came easy. She would stop by a few times a week and make sure he was getting enough sleep. She started doing it a few years prior when he almost fell asleep during a mission. That day he hadn't slept for almost a week and a half. She saved his life that day, and continued to save it every day after that.

Levi's eyelids grew heavy and he felt his breathing slow. He felt much safer in her arms. Something in his mind told him it was okay to sleep.

Before he drifted off into a dreamless sleep, he thought one last thing. It was born of a hazy mind and sleep deprivation. His conscious self would never allow him to think such things.

He thought that one day, he wanted to marry her.

AN: okay okay I promise the Petra x Levi is crucial to the elaborate plot I'm building with y/n and Levi, so just bare with me please lol

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