Chapter 43

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A/N - Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Everything you know will change.

The Doctor and Elise went through the portal and hit the ground. They stood up and Elise saw the man who had saved her life.

The Doctor's tenth incarnation looked at them.

She hadn't known him long, but it still made her hearts ache. Those brown eyes had comforted her when she was scared. She remembered as he held her close to him as the Timelords were sucked back into the Time War.

Ten was shocked. He ran to her and hugged her. "It's you! I thought I'd never see you again! I mean, you told me we'd meet again but I didn't think it'd be like this."

Elise looked at her father and then back at the man hugging her. "Um, sorry?"

Ten's smile fell as he pulled back from her. "'s not happened for you yet, has it?"

Elise furrowed her brows. "What are you talking about?"


"Ah, so you've met River I take it?"

Ten just nodded.

"Who is this man?" Elizabeth I asked.

Ten finally turned to him.

"Oh, that is skinny. That is proper skinny. I've never seen it from the outside. It's like a special effect. Oi!" the Doctor said. He knocked the fez off Ten's head. "Ha! Matchstick man."

"You're not..."

They both pulled out their sonic screwdrivers.

Ten noticed his future incarnation's was bigger. "Compensating?"

"For what?"

"Regeneration. It's a lottery."

"Oh, he's cool. Isn't he cool? I'm the Doctor and I'm all cool. Oops, I'm wearing sandshoes."

"What are you doing here? I'm busy."

"Oh, busy. I see. Is that what we're calling it, eh? Eh?" The Doctor picked up the fez and put it back on his head, turning to the two Elizabeth's. "Hello, ladies."

"Don't start."

"Listen, what you get up to in the privacy of your own regeneration is your business."

"One of them is a Zygon." The Doctor crinkled his nose and made a noise of disgust. "I'm not judging you."

The portal reappeared.

Both Doctor's put on their glasses and then looked at each other. "Oh, lovely," they said in unison.

"Your Majesties. Probably a good time to run," the Doctor told them.

"But what about the creature?" they asked.

"Elizabeth, whichever one of you is the real one, turn and run in the opposite direction to the other one," Ten said.

"Of course, my love."

One of them stepped forward. "Stay alive, my love. I am not done with you yet." She kissed him and then ran off.

"Thanks. Lovely."

The other one stepped forward. "I understand. Live for me, my darling. We shall be together again." She kissed him and then ran off in the other direction.

"Well, won't that be nice?"

"You just cannot help yourself, can you?" Elise asked.

"As I remember, you are quite a flirt as well."

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