Chapter 13

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A/N - I feel like I'm going to break everyone's hearts with this chapter. This one is a longer one.

The Doctor and Elise stepped out the TARDIS to find little black cubes everywhere.

The Doctor picked one up. He turned to Elise with a smile. "Well this is new."

They met up with Amy, Rory, and Brian.

The Doctor was now walking around the console examining the cube in his hand. "All absolutely identical. Not a single molecule's difference between them. No blemishes, imperfections, individualities."

"What if they're bombs? Billions of tiny bombs? Or transport capsules maybe, with a mini robot inside. Or deadly hard drives. Or alien eggs? Or messages needing decoding? Or they're all parts of a bigger whole. Jigsaw puzzles that need fitting together," Brian suggested.

"Very thorough, Brian. Very, very thorough. Well done. Stay here. Watch these. Yell if anything happens," the Doctor said, placing his cube on top of the one Brian was holding.

"Doctor, is this an alien invasion? Because that's what it feels like," Amy told him.

"There couldn't be life-forms in every cube, could there?" Rory asked.

"I don't know. And I really don't like not knowing," the Doctor said.

They stepped out into Amy and Rory's lounge and the Doctor made his way into the kitchen. "Right, I need to use your kitchen as a lab. Cook up some cubes. See what happens."

"Right, I'm due at work," Rory mentioned.

"What? You've got a job?"

"Of course I've got a job. What do you think we do when we're not with you?"

"I imagined mostly kissing."

"I write travel articles for magazines and Rory heals the sick," Amy told him.

"My shift starts in an hour. You don't know where my scrubs are?" Rory asked.

"In the lounge, where you left them."

The Doctor went to work constructing whatever it was he was going to use to experiment on the cubes. "Ah, the Ponds, with their house and their jobs and their everyday lives. The journalist and the nurse. Long way from Leadworth," the Doctor said, sonicing his device.

"We think it's been ten years. Not for you or Earth, but for us. Ten years older. Ten years of you, on and off," Amy said.

"Look at you now. All grown up."

The front door was busted down and heavily armed people entered the house.

The Doctor pulled Elise behind him and Amy stepped closer to the Doctor.

"Clear! Trap one, kitchen secured."

"Trap three, back garden secured."

Rory was lead into the kitchen at gunpoint. "There are soldiers all over my house, and I'm in my pants," he said.

"My whole life I've dreamed of saying that, and I miss it by being someone else," Amy quipped.

A blonde woman entered the house. "All these muscles, and they still don't know how to knock. Sorry about the raucous entrance. Spike in Artron energy reading at this address. In the light of the last twenty four hours, we had to check it out, and the dogs do love a run out. Hello. Kate Stewart, head of scientific research at UNIT. And with dress sense like that..." She pulled out a scanner and held it up to the Doctor. "You must be the Doctor. I hoped it would be you."

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