Chapter 44

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A/N - I am having so much fun with this! We find out some more about Elise's backstory and our little Timelord is starting to bond with the Tenth Doctor.

They were shoved into the cell.

The Doctor and Ten started fussing over Elise and she pushed them away. "I'm fine!"

"Ow," the older Doctor muttered.

Elise looked over at him.

"I'm okay, my dear."

"Three of us in one cell? That's going to cause some nasty anomalies if we don't get out soon," Ten said.

The Doctor picked up a piece of metal off the floor and started scratching at a stone pillar.

"What are you doing?" Ten asked him.

"Getting us out."

The older Doctor tried sonicing the door.

"The sonic won't work on that, it's too primitive," Ten said.

"Doesn't do wood," Elise explained.

"Shall we ask for a better quality of door so we can escape?" the Doctor asked.

"Okay, so the Queen of England is now a Zygon. But never mind that. Why are we all together? Why are we all here? Well, me and Chinny, we were surprised. Elle has no idea who you are, but you came looking for us. You knew it was going to happen. Who told you?" Ten asked the older Doctor.

"Oi, Chinny?" the Doctor snapped.

"Yeah, you do have a chin."

Elle? The Doctor had never called her that, so why was his younger incarnation calling her that?

"In theory, I can trigger an isolated sonic shift among the molecules, and the door should disintegrate," the older Doctor said.

"We'd have to calculate the exact harmonic resonance of the entire structure down to a sub-atomic level. Even the sonic would take years," Ten explained.

"No, no, the sonic would take centuries. Oh, we might as well get started. Help to pass the timey-wimey. Do you have to talk like children? What is it that makes you so ashamed of being a grown up? Oh, the way you both look at me. What is that? I'm trying to think of a better word than dread."

"It must be really recent for you."


"The Time War. The last day. The day you killed them all," the Doctor said.

"The day we killed them all," Ten corrected him.

"Same thing."

"I don't talk about it," the older Doctor told them.

"You never talk about it. I have been with you for hundreds of years and you've never once sat me down and explained what you did that day," Elise said.

"Because you don't need to know," the Doctor said.

She rounded on him. "Who says I don't need to know! I am an adult! I'm not a child anymore! Quit treating me like one!"

Ten couldn't help but smile. He'd missed her sassy personality (even when it was directed at him). It reminded him of Donna.

"I killed you. I killed the one thing that means more to me than anything in the universe. And then you died again while you were under my watch," the Doctor whispered.

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