Chapter 26

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A/N - I absolutely love Elise in this chapter. I'm having so much fun with her.

"Viva Las Vegas!" the Doctor exclaimed as they stepped off the TARDIS.

Clara was dressed in an evening dress, whereas Elise was dressed in black and white pinstripe pants, a short sleeved white shirt, and a black vest. She also had a black and white pinstriped fedora on (that the Doctor had made fun of her for until she brought up his love for fezzes).

The boat that they stepped out into lurched to the side and threw them away from the time machine.

"Stranger on the bridge!" a man yelled.

"Who the hell are you?" another asked.

"Not Vegas, then," Clara said.

"No. No, this is much better," the Doctor told her.

"A sinking submarine?"

"A sinking Soviet submarine!"

Elise rolled her eyes. "Only you would find this entertaining!"

"At least I don't wear a fedora!"

"Better than a stupid looking fez!"

"Break out side arms. Restrain them!" a man yelled, who Elise was assuming was the first officer.

"Four ten. Four twenty. Turbines still not responding!" the engineer yelled.

Elise stumbled over to the controls. She didn't know how to drive a submarine, but she'd read a book on it.

"They've got to!" a man, who Elise assumed was the captain, yelled.

The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver. "Ah! Sideways momentum. You've still got sideways momentum!"


"Your propellers work independently of the main turbines. You can't stop her going down but you can maneuver the sub laterally," Elise told them. She looked at the Doctor, who nodded. "Do it!"

"Get these people off the bridge now!" the first officer yelled.

"Just listen to them, for god's sake!" Clara begged.

"Geographical anomaly to starboard. Probably an underwater ridge," the Doctor said.

"How do you know this?" the captain asked.

"Look, we have just a chance to stop the descent if we settle on it. Do it!"

"Six hundred meters. Sir, six ten!" the engineer read off.

"Or this thing is going to implode."

"Lateral thrust to starboard, all propellers," the captain ordered.

"Sir?" the engineer asked.


"You're going to let this madman and this...girl, give the orders?" the first officer demanded.

"Lateral thrust!"

"Aye, sir! Six sixty, six eighty..."

They settled on the ridge.

"Descent arrested at seven hundred meters."

The captain turned to them. "It seems we owe you are lives, whoever you are."

"I'll hold you to that. Might come in handy," the Doctor said.

"Search them," the first officer ordered, "Yes, I know. There's women. Now search them!"

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