Chapter 10

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A/N - Double digits and one chapter closer to the end of the Ponds. Elise's meltdown is in the next chapter!

"Mercy. 81 residents," the Doctor read. He stood in front of a town sign.

There was a "Keep Out" sign and a line of stones and wood surrounding the entrance.

"Look at this. It's a load of stones and lumps of wood," Amy said.

The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and scanned it.

"What is it?"

"A load of stones and lumps of wood," the Doctor said, stepping over the line.

"Uh, the sign does say Keep Out," Rory told him.

"I see "Keep Out" signs as suggestions more than actual orders, like "Dry Clean" only."

Elise, Rory, and Amy stepped over the line. As they walked down the main street, the inhabitants of the town watched them silently.

An electric lamp outside the Post Office sparked. The Doctor snapped and pointed at it. "That's not right." The Doctor soniced it and the light came on.

"It's a street lamp," Rory said.

"An electric street lamp about 10 years too early." "

It's only a few years out."

"That's what you said when you left your phone charger in Henry the Eighth's ensuite."

"Doctor, um..." Amy said.

"Anachronistic electricity, Keep Out signs, aggressive stares. Has someone been peeking at my Christmas list?"


The Doctor stuck a toothpick in his mouth and walked into the saloon. The saloon went quiet when they entered. The Doctor walked up to the bar.

The bartender kind of reminded Elise of River. Maybe she should suggest they go see her soon.

"Tea. But the strong stuff. Leave the bag in," the Doctor said.

"What're you doing here, son?" the bartender asked.

"Son?" The Doctor laughed. "You can stay."

An African American man stood up. "Sir, might I enquire who you is?"

"Of course. I'm the Doctor. This is..."

Everyone in the bar stood up.

"No need to stand. You see that? Manners."

A man in a top hat came up behind the Doctor and started measuring him.

"Oh, thank you. But I don't need a new suit."

"I'm the undertaker, sir," he said.

A younger man in a brown suit and bowler hat stepped forward. "I got a question. Is you an alien?"

"Well, er, bit personal. It's all relative, isn't it? I mean, Elise and I think you're the aliens, but in this context, yes. Yes, I suppose we are."

The group grabbed Elise and the Doctor. A few other people grabbed Amy and Rory.

"Doctor! Elise! Put them down!" Amy yelled.

"Don't think we won't kill you," the bartender said.

"Take your hands off her!" Rory yelled.

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