Chapter 29

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A/N - I'm realizing that this book may be the longest one so far purely because of the amount of specials in this series.

The TARDIS landed and they stepped out.

A big mansion stood near them.

"Please tell me we're not going to explore the big scary house," Elise said.

The Doctor gave her a look.

"We're going to explore the big scary house, aren't we?"

The trio walked up to the door and knocked.

A man opened the door and the Doctor jumped out.

"Boo! Hello, I'm looking for a ghost."

"And you are?"

Clara appeared at his side. "Ghostbusters."

Elise rolled her eyes at the dumb joke.

"I'm the Doctor," the Doctor said, holding up his psychic paper.

"Doctor what?" the man asked.

"If you like. This is Clara and Elise." He walked over to the table filled with equipment. "Ah, but you are very different. You are Major Alec Palmer. Member of the Baker Street Irregulars, the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare."

He leaned in towards Palmer and whispered, "Specialized in espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance behind enemy lines. You're a talented watercolorist, professor of psychology and ghost hunter." He shook Palmer's hand. "Total pleasure. Massive."

"Actually, you're wrong. Professor Palmer spent most of the war as a POW," the woman with him said.

"Actually, that's a like told by a very brave man involved in very secret operations. The type of man who keeps a Victoria Cross in a box in the attic, eh? But you know that, because you're Emma Grayling, the Professor's companion." The Doctor gave her air kisses.


"It's 1974. You're the assistant and "non-objective equipment". Meaning psychic."

"Getting that. Bless you, though," Clara said.

"Relax, Emma. He's Military Intelligence. So, what is all this in aid of?" Palmer asked.

"Health and safety. Yeah, the Ministry got wind of what's going on down here. Sent me to check that everything's in order," the Doctor told him.

"They don't have the right."

"Don't worry, governor, I'll be out of your hair in five minutes." The Doctor excitedly pointed at the equipment. "Oh! Oh, look. Oh, lovely. The ACR 99821. Oh, bliss."

Elise chuckled lowly. "You're such a nerd."

The Doctor messed with the toggles. "Nice action on the toggle switches. You know, I do love a toggle switch. Actually, I like the word toggle. Nice noun. Excellent verb."

Clara reached down to touch something and the Doctor slapped her hand. "Oi, don't mess with the settings." The Doctor scanned the area with his screwdriver.

"What's that?" Palmer asked.

"Gadget. Health and safety. Classified, I'm afraid. You know, while the back room boffins work out a few kinks."

"What's it telling you?" Emma asked.

"It's telling me that you haven't been exposed to any life-threatening transmundane emanations. So, where's the ghost?" The Doctor picked up a candelabra. "Show me the ghost. It's ghost time."

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