Chapter 5

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Elise groaned and sat up.

Rory suddenly jumped up and looked around. "Oh! Elise!" He gently helped her up. "Are you okay?"

"I think so."

They were surrounded by Daleks.

Elise's heartrate started to speed up, but she pushed her fear down. Now was the time to be brave.

Rory approached one and touched it, but nothing happened.

"They're deactivated. Good," Elise said, "Come on."

Rory pulled out his pen light and they ventured into the asylum.

They entered a chamber filled with Daleks.

Rory approached one and turned its head to examine it. When he let go, its head turned back.

"Rory..." Elise warned him.

He stepped back and accidentally kicked a piece of metal.

This caused the Dalek's eyestalk to start to glow. The Daleks around them started to come to life. "Eg-eg-eg-eg-eg-eg-eg," the Dalek stuttered.

"What? Sorry, what?" Rory asked.

"Eg eg eg eg eg eg eggs."

"Eggs? You mean those things?"

"Rory!" Elise snapped. They needed to get out of here before the Daleks powered up completely.

"Eggs!" the Dalek said.

"I don't...I don't know what you want. Those things. Are those things eggs?" Rory pointed to the round casings on the floor and picked one up. "This? You want this?" He offered it to the Dalek.

"Egg. Stir. Min. Ate."

Rory dropped the casing as the Daleks around them echoed their phrase.

"Run!" Elise yelled and grabbed Rory by the arm.

The Dalek fired at them, but just missed them. They dodged blasts as the Daleks continued to scream at them.

Oswin's voice came over the PA system. "Run! The door at the end, run for it. They're waking up, but they're slow. The door at the end. Just run. Now! Now! Now!"

Elise and Rory ran for the door. It rose up just enough for them to slide underneath it. It closed behind them. Elise and Rory panted in relief.

"Thanks," Rory said, looking at Elise.

"You're welcome."

"You sounded a lot like your father."

Elise smiled. "Thank you."

"So, anyway, I'm Oswin. What do I call you?" the woman asked.

"Er, I can't remember. Er, Rory."

"I'm Elise," Elise told her, "Elise Smith."

"Lovely name, Rory. First boy I ever fancied was called Rory," Oswin said.

"Okay..." Rory said, clearly still in shock.

"Actually, she was called Nina. I was going through a phase. Although Elise is pretty name too and look at those blue eyes!"

Elise blushed.

"Just flirting to keep you cheerful," Oswin told them.

"Exterminate. Exterminate!" came through the door.

The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the EleventhWhere stories live. Discover now