Chapter 38

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A/N - I'm having so much fun with Elise and the Cyberplanner. I have a special conversation planned for them in the next chapter.

They found Angie with the platoon.

"Angie! Angie!" Clara yelled, running up to her.

"She always has to turn up and spoil everything. I wasn't doing anything. Why can't you just leave me alone?"

There was a loud crash and a Cyberman came stomping in.

"Cyberman! Attack formation!" the captain yelled.

The Cyberman moved faster than Elise had ever seen one move before. A man rushed forward, but the Cyberman batted him away.

"No! Attack formation, quickly."

The platoon started shooting at the Cyberman, while the Doctor grabbed Clara and Elise and pulled them away.

"Upgrade in progress," the Cyberman said.

"Angie!" Clara yelled.

The Cyberman grabbed Angie and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her off.

"Angie!" Clara rushed after the Cyberman, but the Doctor grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Clara. Clara!"

"That was a Cyberman. But they're extinct," the captain said.

"Well clearly they're not," Elise snapped.

"Listen to me. I will get her back," the Doctor told Clara. He walked over to the captain. "Captain, a word please. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I take it your platoon doesn't do much fighting."

"What do you expect?"

"What?" Clara asked.

"We're a punishment platoon. It's why they sent us out here, so we can't get into trouble."

Elise rolled her eyes. "Oh, you've got to be kidding."

"Right, right, well, okay." The Doctor took the captain's insignia and pinned it to Clara's jacket. "As Imperial Consul, I'm putting Clara in charge. Clara, stay alive until I get back, and don't let anyone blow up this planet." He grabbed Elise by the arm and they started to leave.

"Is that something they're likely to do?" Clara asked.

"Get to somewhere defensible."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm getting Angie, finding Artie and looking for funny insects. Stay alive. And you lot, no blowing up this planet!"

The Doctor and Elise left.

"Why exactly am I coming with you? You could have left me with Clara," Elise said.

The Doctor turned to her. "Because Clara can handle it. I need you to have my back."

"I always do. You know that."

The Doctor smiled. "I know you do. Now come on."

They made their way back to Webley's room.

"Artie?" the Doctor called.

A small Cybermat sat on an end table.

"I knew it looked familiar," Elise said.

"Firstly, if anybody's watching this, those children are under my protection. I'm coming to get them. And secondly, little metal machine, you are beautiful," the Doctor told it. He soniced it and then picked it up. "Not even a Cybermat any more, eh? Cybermites."

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